A Mixed Up?

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Eva's PA walked into Sanji's office, balancing a stack of documents. She approached the desk with a sense of urgency, but also a bit of nervousness, as Sanji was known for his precision. She placed the papers neatly on the table and gave a quick nod. Sanji, barely glancing up from his laptop, gave a curt nod of approval.

"Leave them there," he said, his tone flat and focused on his work.

The PA quickly exited the room, thinking everything was fine. Sanji, however, soon turned his attention to the documents. As he scanned through the first few pages, his brow furrowed. Something was off. He flipped through more of the stack, and his irritation quickly rose. The data was completely wrong. The project wasn't what he expected. The numbers didn’t align, the content was a mess—it wasn’t even related to what he had instructed.

Sanji’s eyes darkened as he slammed the stack of papers on his desk. His patience had worn thin. This was not the level of work he tolerated, especially not from someone like Eva, who had recently been promoted. He immediately picked up the phone, his voice colder than usual.

"Tell Eva to come to my office. Now."

On the other end of the line, the PA didn’t ask any questions, hearing the tone in his voice. She rushed back to Eva’s office, her face slightly pale.

"Eva," she stammered, "Mr. Sanji has requested to see you in his office. Immediately."

Eva, who was buried in her own work, looked up, confused. "Did he say why?"

"No… he didn’t mention anything, just said to come right away."

Eva hesitated for a moment before pushing open the door to Sanji’s office. The atmosphere was thick with tension. Sanji was standing by his desk, his usual composed demeanor replaced by visible frustration. As soon as Eva stepped in, he turned toward her, his eyes burning with irritation.

Without a word, he grabbed the stack of papers from his desk and threw them onto the floor with a loud thud. The sound made Eva flinch. His voice, sharp and icy, cut through the silence.

"What is this?" he yelled, his tone more forceful than she'd ever heard. "I asked for a simple report, and this—" he gestured to the papers on the floor, "is what I get? Care to explain, Eva?"

Eva froze, her breath caught in her throat. She wasn’t used to seeing Sanji like this. Swallowing hard, she tried to find her voice, but it came out in a stammer. "I-I… I don’t know what happened… there must have been a mix-up with the papers. I can—"

Sanji didn’t let her finish. He slammed his hand down on the desk with a resounding thud, causing her to jump and her heart to race. The sound reverberated in the tense atmosphere, and she could feel the anxiety creeping up her spine.

"A mix-up?" he repeated, his voice low but filled with disdain. "I don’t care about excuses. This is unacceptable."

Eva’s hands trembled as she tried to explain. "I’ll fix it, I swear. It won’t happen again—"

"It better not," Sanji interrupted, his voice lowering into a dangerously calm tone, which somehow felt more intimidating than the yelling. His eyes locked onto hers, cold and unwavering. "You’re the HR Manager now. There’s no room for this level of incompetence."

With each passing moment, she felt smaller under his gaze. She gulped, trying to steady her nerves, but the tension in the air was suffocating. The whispers from outside his office made it clear that everyone was listening to the confrontation.

“GET OUT!” Sanji shouted, his voice echoing through the office.

Eva blinked, startled, as the finality of his words sank in. She felt her heart race, the urge to run overwhelming her. Without another word, she turned and hurried out of the office, the echoes of his anger still ringing in her ears. The moment she was out, she leaned against the wall, trying to catch her breath, shaken by the icy fury of her boss.

Zoro watched from a distance as Sanji’s voice carried through the office, sharp and filled with frustration. He could see Eva standing there, her expression a mix of surprise and fear as Sanji unloaded his anger on her. Zoro felt a knot of concern tighten in his stomach, and as soon as Sanji's door slammed shut behind Eva, he made his way over.

Knocking gently on Sanji's door, Zoro hesitated. He could sense the tension in the air. Asking about it now wouldn’t be wise. Instead, he decided to check on Eva. He quickly walked over to her office, pushing the door open without waiting for a response.

The sight before him made his heart sink. Eva sat at her desk, her face reddened and puffy from crying, tears streaming down her cheeks. She was hunched over, her hands covering her face as if to shield herself from the world.

“Eva,” he said softly, stepping inside and closing the door behind him. “Hey… what happened?” His voice was gentle, trying to coax her out of her shell without pushing her too hard.

She looked up at him, her brown eyes shimmering with tears, and for a moment, Zoro felt a surge of protectiveness. “I… I messed up,” she stammered, her voice trembling. “Sanji was just so… angry. I didn’t mean to get it wrong.”

Zoro sighed, his expression softening as he took a seat across from her. “It happens. Everyone makes mistakes. You’re still new to this position, and it’s a lot of responsibility.” He tried to reassure her, but he could see how deeply affected she was by Sanji’s harsh words.

“I thought I could handle it, but…” She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, her frustration mixing with sadness. “I just wanted to do a good job.”

Zoro nodded, his gaze steady. “You will. Just give yourself some time. Sanji can be hard to deal with, but he doesn’t mean to be like that.”

Eva shook her head, fresh tears spilling down her cheeks. “I’ve seen him like that before… it’s just different when it’s aimed at me.”

“Look,” Zoro said, leaning forward slightly. “He expects a lot from everyone, including you. It’s his way of pushing you to do better. You’ll get used to it.”

“But why does it feel so personal?” she whispered, her voice breaking.

“It’s not,” Zoro replied firmly. “He pushes everyone. But trust me, if you keep proving yourself, he’ll come around.”

Eva took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. “I just wish I could have handled it better.”

“You will. Just keep your head up.” Zoro stood, offering her a small smile. “And if he gets too much, you can always come to me, okay?”

She managed a faint smile through her tears. “Thanks, Zoro. That really helps.”

As Zoro turned to leave, he glanced back at her. “Don’t let him get to you. You’ve got this.” With that, he stepped out of her office, determined to have a word with Sanji about his outburst.

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