Unexpected Moment?

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As the dance came to a close, Eva and Sanji found themselves still gazing into each other’s eyes, a lingering connection that felt almost electric. The room erupted into applause, breaking the spell, and Eva couldn’t help but laugh, a light, happy sound that filled the hall.

After the applause faded, everyone settled back into their seats, the atmosphere warm and joyous. Luffy, ever the joker, started cracking jokes about Zoro’s lack of dancing skills, his loud voice carrying across the room. "Hey, guys! Look at this CEO! He actually laughed a little! Is the world ending, or are the crows going to fly backward?" Luffy exclaimed, pointing at Sanji with a wide grin.

The room erupted with laughter, and Sanji felt a faint blush creep onto his cheeks. He crossed his arms over his chest, trying to appear unfazed, but the corners of his mouth twitched upward. The sight of Sanji, usually so composed and serious, cracking even the slightest smile brought a new warmth to the gathering.

Eva couldn’t help but giggle at Sanji’s reaction, feeling the bond between them deepen amidst the friendly teasing. The room buzzed with camaraderie, laughter echoing off the walls as the celebration continued, and in that moment, surrounded by friends, it felt like everything was just perfect.

After the meal, the atmosphere was still buzzing with laughter and joy. Zoro, in a playful mood, picked up the goofy duo, Luffy and Usopp, tossing them over his shoulders as they squirmed and laughed. Nami and Franky decided to head home, leaving the parking lot buzzing with excitement as everyone made their way to their cars.

With all the vehicles filled to capacity, Eva found herself standing with Sanji, who insisted on giving her a ride. "I can walk," she offered, trying to keep things casual, but Sanji shook his head, a serious look crossing his face. "No, I'll drop you at your apartment. It’s late."

Surprised, Eva agreed, stepping into his car. As she settled into the passenger seat, she caught Zoro’s smirk from a distance, while Nami’s eyes widened in surprise. The scene was amusing, but Eva felt a hint of nervousness creeping in.

As Sanji started the car, the familiar roar of the engine filled the air, a sound that made Eva's heart race. She settled into the luxurious leather seat, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. Sanji glanced over at her, a small smile playing on his lips, and she couldn’t help but smile back.

He shifted into gear, and with a practiced ease, he took off down the street. Eva watched in awe as he handled the steering wheel with one hand, the other resting casually on the center console. His confidence was captivating, and she found herself entranced by the way he maneuvered the car—smooth turns and quick accelerations that showcased his skill.

“Nice driving,” she complimented, her voice slightly teasing. “You must have a lot of practice.”

Sanji chuckled, his eyes focused on the road. “Just a little. You get used to it.” He turned the wheel sharply with one hand, glancing sideways at her with a playful smirk. “You’re not scared, are you?”

Eva shook her head, her pulse quickening. “Not at all. I actually like fast cars. Especially when they’re driven like this.” She bit her lip, trying to hide her excitement. Something about the way he drove, with such effortless control, made her heart flutter.

Sanji’s brow raised, clearly amused. “So, you’re a car girl? I might have to show you a thing or two about driving sometime.”

Her stomach did a little flip at the thought. “I’d like that. Maybe we could race.”

He laughed, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “Is that a challenge? I might have to accept.”

As they drove through the city, the night lights flickering by, Eva found herself enjoying the moment more than she had expected. With the music playing softly in the background, the atmosphere felt easy and relaxed. Despite the usual tension that often accompanied their work relationship, this felt different.

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