Marimo And Eva

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Zoro and I darted down the hall, my heart racing as I laughed, looking back to see him closing the distance. I zigzagged to try and throw him off, and just as he was about to grab me, I dashed to the side and crashed right into someone.

"Oops!" I muttered, grabbing onto them to steady myself. It wasn’t until I looked up that I realized who I had run into—Sanji. His face was flustered, his hands momentarily frozen in the air as I clung to the front of his suit, using him as a human shield. He stood there like a statue, completely caught off guard.

Zoro stopped just a few steps away, hands on his hips, grinning like he’d won. "Oi, Cook! Don’t just stand there, grab her!"

Sanji blinked, looking down at me as I peeked out from behind him. His flustered expression shifted into something between annoyance and bewilderment. "What the hell is wrong with you two? Stop playing tag inside the company!"

Zoro waved him off, still trying to catch his breath. "Relax, just go to my cabin and get those documents, will ya? I’ll deal with this brat."

Sanji, still standing like he couldn’t believe this was happening, sighed heavily, rubbing his temple. "Are they seriously the CHRO and COO of the company? Playing tag in the office? You’ve got to be kidding me."

Nami, who had just passed by, gave him a sympathetic pat on the back, chuckling softly before heading to her cabin. Sanji sighed again, looking like he was questioning all of his life decisions, before reluctantly walking off to Zoro’s office.

Meanwhile, Zoro smirked, taking advantage of the momentary distraction. "You’re not getting away that easily!" He lunged forward, and I squealed, darting off again as the chase resumed.

Sanji, already halfway down the hall, muttered under his breath, "I swear, these guys are unbelievable."

I stopped after running quite a distance, gasping for air as I turned around, hands on my knees. "St-stop," I managed to say between breaths, raising a hand in a ‘stop’ gesture to Zoro, who was still grinning like a predator about to pounce.

He halted just a few steps away, also breathing a little heavier, but clearly less affected than me. "Out of breath already? I thought you had more stamina than that," he teased, crossing his arms.

I straightened up, still panting and gave him a half-smile. "You’d be out of breath too if you were running for your life."

Zoro raised an eyebrow. "Running for your life? Please, you’ve got worse things to worry about than me." He shot a glance back in the direction Sanji had gone. I chuckled at the thought.

"True, but you’re the one chasing me, not him."

He rolled his eyes, taking a step closer. "For now. But I’m not done with you yet." He smirked, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

"Alright, alright. Truce for now," I said, extending a hand to him, still catching my breath.

Zoro eyed my hand suspiciously for a second before reaching out to shake it. "But next time, you won’t get away so easily, brat."

I grinned. "We’ll see about that, greeny."

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