The Meeting

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The conference room buzzed with energy as employees settled into their seats for the monthly meeting. Sunlight streamed through the large windows, casting a warm glow on the faces of Sanji’s executive team: Zoro, the stoic COO; Nami, the cheerful CFO; Luffy, the sharp-witted CMO;Franky, the overseeing technology strategies CTO. Ussop, the enthusiastic VP; and Law and Kid, two new members who had recently joined the company, along with Vivi and Robin, who were also part of the team. They all looked expectantly at Sanji, who stood at the head of the table, ready to kick off the discussion.

“Thank you all for coming,” Sanji began, his voice steady. “Today, we’re here to review our growth over the last three months. I think we can all agree that the numbers look promising, and I want to commend everyone for their hard work.”

Eva, seated at the side of the table as the newly designated Admin, leaned forward, listening intently. She had been anxious about this meeting, knowing how much she had contributed to the company's recent success.

As Sanji laid out the figures, highlighting the growth trends and successful projects, Eva felt a swell of pride. Zoro nodded in agreement with the figures presented, while Luffy’s enthusiastic laughter punctuated the meeting, and Nami shared insights that impressed everyone.

After the discussion, Sanji paused for a moment, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Now, I want to make a special announcement before we wrap up. Over the last few months, one of our team members has gone above and beyond, making significant contributions to our success. I think it’s time we recognize that effort.”

Eva’s heart raced. Who could he be talking about? She exchanged curious glances with Zoro, Nami, and the others, all of whom were equally intrigued.

“Eva,” Sanji called out, fixing his gaze on her. “Would you come up here for a moment?”

The room fell silent as Eva stood, stunned. The eyes of her colleagues were on her, a mixture of surprise and anticipation. “Me?” she asked incredulously, taking tentative steps toward the front of the room.

Sanji smiled, his demeanor slightly softer than usual. “Yes, you. Because of your outstanding work, I’m proud to announce that you’ve been promoted to the position of HR Manager.”

The room erupted in applause, and Eva’s hands flew to her mouth, unable to hide her shock. “Wait, what?” she gasped, her eyes wide. “HR Manager? Are you serious?”

Sanji nodded, a faint smirk playing on his lips. “Absolutely. Your dedication and the quality of your recent work have made a significant impact on our company. We need someone like you in that role, especially as we continue to grow.”

“Congratulations, Eva!” Luffy shouted, his enthusiasm infectious. Nami joined in, beaming with pride. “You deserve it!”

Ussop clapped his hands, a big grin on his face. “You’ve worked so hard! This is amazing!”

Law and Kid exchanged impressed glances, while Vivi and Robin offered their congratulations with warm smiles. “I can’t wait to see what you’ll do in your new role,” Vivi said, her voice filled with encouragement.

“Yeah, you’re going to crush it!” Kid added, nodding in approval.

Eva was overwhelmed by the support from her colleagues, her heart swelling with gratitude. She had worked tirelessly, often doubting her abilities, and now she stood on the brink of a new chapter in her career. “Thank you, everyone!” she exclaimed, tears of joy threatening to spill. “I won’t let you down.”

“Good,” Sanji replied, his tone returning to its usual composed demeanor. “Now, let’s keep pushing forward, shall we?”

As she took her seat again, still in disbelief, Eva couldn’t shake the feeling that her hard work had finally paid off. Maybe, just maybe, she was earning a place in Sanji’s world after all.

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