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After finishing lunch, Eva stood up and walked toward her cabin, a lightness in her step from the enjoyable meal and playful banter. However, as she swung open the door, she unexpectedly collided with someone.

“Oww! Watch your way, dumba—woah, it’s you!” she exclaimed, rubbing her head after bumping into Law’s chest.

Law chuckled, his signature smirk appearing. “Uhm, sorry. I didn’t see this shortie in my sight,” he replied, raising an eyebrow at her.

“You called me shortie? Really, Law? Seriously?” Eva shot back, playfully narrowing her eyes at him, a grin breaking through.

The light-hearted exchange marked their first real conversation, and for Eva, it felt refreshing. Law’s teasing demeanor added a new dynamic to her day, and she appreciated the banter.

Just then, from his position nearby, Sanji overheard their conversation. He rolled his eyes at the playful back-and-forth between Eva and Law, feeling a flicker of annoyance bubble within him.

“Why does he have to call her shortie?” Sanji muttered under his breath, his lips twisting into a frown. The last thing he wanted was for anyone to tease Eva, even if it was all in good fun.

Trying to shake off the feeling, he turned away and walked down the corridor, his mind occupied by the thought of Eva and how easily she connected with everyone around her.

Meanwhile, Eva continued her playful banter with Law. “You know, just because I’m shorter doesn’t mean you can start throwing around nicknames!” she laughed, shaking her head.

“Fine, I’ll think of something more original next time,” Law replied, a hint of amusement in his voice.

“Looking forward to it,” Eva shot back, a bright smile lighting up her face.

As Eva continued to laugh with Law, Sanji’s irritation simmered beneath the surface. He didn’t like this feeling creeping in, but he couldn’t shake it off. “What’s so funny?” he grumbled under his breath.

Realizing he needed to regain some semblance of control, Sanji straightened up and approached them, forcing a nonchalant smile onto his face. “So, what’s going on? You two seem pretty cozy over here,” he said lightly.

Law raised an eyebrow at Sanji’s tone, clearly aware of the tension. “Just sharing some laughs, Sanji. No need to get all worked up.”

“Yeah, no big deal! Just a little fun!” Eva chimed in, completely unaware of the tension rising between the two men.

Sanji felt his heart race and turned back toward his cabin, irritation evident in his posture. “Well, we’ve got work to do, so… let’s focus on that,” he said, walking away.

As he sat back down at his desk, he tried to push the jealousy aside. Why did seeing Eva laugh with Law bother him so much? He didn’t want to show it, especially not in front of her. All he knew was that he had to make sure Eva knew he was the one who could make her smile.


As days turned into weeks, Eva and Law’s bond deepened, their playful banter and shared jokes creating a vibrant camaraderie. Law frequently stopped by Eva’s cabin, ostensibly for doubt clearance on work-related matters, but each visit seemed to stretch the boundaries of their professional relationship into something more friendly.

“Hey, Law! Want to try these?” Eva grinned, pulling out a bag of homemade cookies she had brought to work.

Law’s eyes lit up with genuine interest. “Sure, what do you have? You bake these yourself?”

Eva laughed, a melodic sound that made her eyes sparkle. “Of course! I may not be a pro like Sanji, but I do okay.”

They shared snacks, exchanging playful jabs as they discussed their projects. With each shared laugh and light-hearted moment, the air around them buzzed with an easygoing warmth.

Meanwhile, Sanji observed from his office, an increasing sense of irritation pooling within him. He couldn’t help but sneer as he caught sight of them laughing together. It grated on him to see Eva enjoying herself so freely with Law, who had this effortless charm that seemed to draw everyone in.

“Is that all they do? Just joke around?” Sanji muttered under his breath, his grip tightening on the edge of his desk as he looked away, trying to quell the knot of jealousy tightening in his stomach.

Luffy strolled by, catching the tension in the air. “Hey, Sanji! What’s with the long face? You should join them! They’re having a blast!”

Sanji shot him a sharp glance. “I don’t need to join their little party,” he snapped, though his voice betrayed an undercurrent of frustration.

“C’mon, lighten up! Eva’s just being friendly,” Luffy said, a grin plastered on his face.

“Friendly, huh?” Sanji replied, sarcasm lacing his words. “More like she’s enjoying the company of someone who can actually crack a joke.”

Luffy raised an eyebrow, sensing Sanji’s jealousy. “You know you can make her laugh too, right? Just be yourself!”

Sanji turned away, unable to shake the feeling that he was losing her attention to someone else. “Whatever. I’ve got work to do,” he replied curtly.

Meanwhile, back in Eva's cabin, the laughter continued to flow as she and Law shared stories, the air between them light and electric. They were building a friendship that felt effortless, and it made Eva feel appreciated in a way she hadn’t expected.

However, unbeknownst to her, Sanji’s distant gaze and clenched jaw were evidence of an underlying storm brewing just below the surface—an unspoken battle between his feelings and the reality of their situation.

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