Chapter 11

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Jays POV...

"Goodnight cellie i love you" she said before falling asleep, did i hear that right? She loves me? Or did she just say that because shes tired? I guess i'm going to have to wait to ask tomorrow.

The next morning the shower alarm went off so i woke up and got out of bed releasing my bladder then put my clothes on going to wake sophia.

"Wake up babe, we're going to have showers soon" i said lightly shaking her waking her up.

"Mmm, I don't wanna wake up" she mumbled pulling the blanket over her head, i laughed a little at her shaking my head.

"Well we have about 45 minutes before the other men finish showering so i can think of something we could do to wake you up" i said standing up, it was quiet for a minute at first i thought she fell back to sleep until she moved the blanket so i could only just see one of her eyes.

"What did you have in mind?" He whispers threw the blanket, i smile devilishly before unbuttoning my jumpsuit, she watches my every move like its the most fasinating thing in the world, by now she had taking off her blanket giving me her full attention.

"There we go your awake now" i said buttoning my suit back up, she frowned then her eyes widening in disbelief.

"Hey you tricked me, i can't believe you, thats it you can't have any of this..." she said gesturing to her body. "Until i say which im affraid wont be for a very very long time"

"Honey i've gone without it for the past 5 years i think i can manage" i said confidently.

"Alright then we'll see about that" she said making it final. She stood up out of bed and thats when i noticed she hadn't worn any clothes while asleep, she walked over confidently to the toilet before sitting down gesturing for me to turn away so i did.

When she was done and fully clothed she helped me make the bed and we sat down to talk while we waited.

"So how does your chest feel?" I asked.

"Yeah its coming alone fine, when i strain myself to much is when it starts to hurt but other then that i don't even feel it"

Half an hour later the door opened and Milton walked in.

"Goodmorning you two, are you ready for your shower?" She asked watching us grab our things for the shower.

"Yeap" we said at the same time.

"How was your first night back by the way Sophia?"

"Yeah it was good, it was strange at first not going to sleep in that hospital room" she replied but had a blush on her face when she snuck a peak at me before hiding her face, i wanted to laugh but didn't want the Officer to know something was up.

When we arrived at the shower room Sophia faced away from me when she got undressed much to my amusement so i got undressed as well, we showered in silence with the occasional sneak peak to her body seeing her wash herself with the soap, lucky soap.

The rest of the day went thankfully with out a single incident, that night when we were in our cell for the night i sat on my bed going to read when i noticed Sophia getting ready for bed, she was oblivious to me watching her as she took her jumpsuit off and her shirt underneath, lastly she took off her bra so she was only in her underwear, she walked over to the bed and looked down at me.

"Could you please help me onto the top bunk?" She asked softly, i nodded standing up, she wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist not taking her eyes off mine, i rest my hands on her bum as i lift her up to her bunk, unfortunatly for me as i was lifting her up she grind her lower half against mine on purpose making me moan, when she was safely up there she kissed me on the cheek like always and slid herself under her blankets getting comftable.

I watched her for a few mintues before lowering myself onto my own bunk getting undressed laying under my own blanket totally forgetting about my book, knowing she is right above me bearly wearing anything this is going to suck now that i can't touch her sweet body.

Lord give me strength.

I grabbed hold of my growing member and start to slowly move up and down, up and down.

My breathing became harsh as i move a little faster imagining Sophia's on top of me riding me to a climax. I hear movement above me and i open my eyes and saw Sophia's head poking over the edge of her bed watching me, when her eyes traveled up my body to my eyes she sees me watching her i gave her a smirk and start pumping faster moaning at how amazing it feels.

Suddenly my body tightens so i know im seconds away from releasing so i look back at Sophia and moan out her name as line after line of hot cum shoots out landing on my bare chest.

Once i come down from my orgasm i stand up and go over to the toilet and clean myself up with some toilet paper and flushing it away.

Going back to the bed i notice Sophia's wide eyes still watching me so when i reached the bed i give her a quick kiss on the cheek then the lips before lowering down to my bed turning out the light going to sleep.

The next morning when i woke up i noticed Sophia was already awake and dressed sitting at the bottom of my bed with her arms around her legs looking scared out of her mind which worries me to no end.

"Sophia? Whats wrong? What happened?" I quickly sat up and grabbed her like she weighed nothing and brought her up to me and wrapped the blanket around her body with me, she put her head to my chest and held me so tight my heart almost broke for her.

"The warrden came here early this morning" she whispered, what the hell would the warrden be doing here so early.

"Okay, what did he want though?" I asked rubbing her back.

"The trial with Nick is on today, what if i loose and i have more time onto my sentence, i can't last that long in here and besides you will be out of here long before me i don't want to be away from you, what if you find a girl out there who is so much better then me" she asks starting to cry.

"Sophia you don't need to worry about that, you are going to win this trial i can assure you, and as for the other issue there is no one in the world better then you soph you are my one and only, if by some miracle he does win and i get out before you i will wait for you" i said smiling down at her then kiss her on the fore head.

"Really?" She asked hopeful.

"Absolutly so you have nothing to worry about" she smiled and hugged me one last time before getting up so i decided to get up as well so i got out of bed and stretched then got ready for the day.

After we had our showers and had our breakfast zach and Milton along with the warrden came to collect Sophia much to the whole rooms suprise, other then me no other prisoners know what happened so once they were out of the room talk broke out about what was happening.

"Yo jayjay whats going on? Why is the warrden taking your cell mate away?" Matt asked across from me.

"Nothin man he just has family troubles thats all" i said making up some random thing its not for me to say what is going on it's only for her to say.

"Is he getting time out of here or something?" He asked.

"Nah he is going to the visiters hall i think i'm not sure he didn't really say" i hope shes not gone all day because i'm already starting to miss her being around, she only just came out of the hospital the other day now shes gone again, clearly Nick doesnt want us together.

"Yo, dude did you hear me?" Matt asked waving his hand in my face.

"Huh what?" I asked looking up at him.

"You zoned out for a second there are you okay?" He asked looking genuinely conserned i smiled nodding my head.

"Yeah man i'm good just tired didn't get much sleep last night" i said lying again.

"Yeah i know what you mean, i didn't either i had so much sex last night i thought i wasnt gonna be able to stand ever again" Matt said laughing then he was off talking non stop about how amazing his cell mate is in bed making me roll my eyes.

Sophia come back and save me...

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