I can't believe it's been a year,
A year where everything originally happened
Where my trust was betrayed
Where my mental health took a turn for the worse,
Terrified of being pulled from college,
All for wanting to keep my relationship
I had to hide it and not tell my family
Because they would have reacted horribly
I know they would have reacted the same,
The same way when I told them back in May,
They would have most likely reacted worse
If I told them in person,
It's still effecting me,
And I can't know how long the past
Will be on my mind,
I'm feeling the same way I did then
But on a much milder scale
authors note:
if any of you are interested in more poems about this topic go to my previous book 'poems from my mind'. There you'll find the one labeled 'why?' and that's where i started writing about what was going on at that time for me.
please take care of yourselves my lovely readers. and I'm always here if you need to talk 💜
Thoughts Turning to Ink on Paper
PoetryThis is the second book in my poem collections. It is a continuation of "Poems From My Mind".