22. The Bookstore (END)

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14 years later...


"Hey, love," Minji smiled at me, that smile that had kept me going forever.

The stress of the entire day instantly disappeared from my mind as I ran across the parking lot, right into my favorite person's arms. I enveloped myself in her embrace, wanting to drown in her comforting scent.

She hadn't changed. She proposed to me twelve years ago, and we got married only a few months later. I think about it all the time—she did it in front of the ocean.

She kept worrying about how cliché it was, but to me, it was so, so perfect. The wedding wasn’t big, as we didn’t have many guests other than very close family and friends. And my parents? Oh, of course, they never showed up. They tore the card in front of me. But it's in the past, and now I only care about the present.

I found Minji again for a reason. She helped me when I needed her the most, and I knew what that meant. Despite what everyone said, despite the difficulties we went through to have this life, as melodramatic as it sounds, she and I are meant to be. She's my fate.

"Someone missed me," Minji laughed into my hair as she held me close.

"Of course, I missed my wife," I laughed, pulling away from her hug. "And what is this pleasant surprise, you're picking me up?"

"Dr. Hanni works so hard, so we thought why not pick her up from work, hm?" Minji smiled, kissing my lips softly. I hummed into the kiss before pulling away.

"Okay, gross, get in the car, moms," our daughter, Jangmi, complained, appearing from behind the family car.

I laughed. "I was going to ask what you meant by 'we.'"

"How was school?" I asked Jangmi, shaking my head as Minji opened the passenger seat for me, like she always did. I got comfortable in the car.

Jangmi groaned loudly as Minji started the car, finally answering, "It was fine, but I need a few books, Mom, for the science test I have on Wednesday. Can we stop by a bookstore, please?"

"I don't think there are any bookstores nearby, Jangmi," Minji muttered, glancing around the road.

"No, there's one I love! I'll put in the location," Jangmi insisted excitedly, and I watched the two of them begin their usual bickering over how to enter the location into the GPS—apparently, Minji was too outdated for this sort of stuff. Teenagers.

"See? That was simple," Jangmi muttered under her breath, finally settling into the backseat.

I turned on my phone and was greeted by a notification from my mom. Right, she still wanted me to talk to Jangmi about this. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to try, even though I already knew her answer.

"Um—Jangmi, sweetie, can I ask you something?" I asked hesitantly.

"Of course."

"So, your grandma wants you to go over to hers for the weekend," I sighed, trailing off.

The car fell silent.

My parents had basically abandoned me since I divorced Guwon. Even though my mom kept a little in touch, that too stopped after Minji and I got married just one year later.

Jangmi grew up without a father, though Minji filled that void—better than Guwon ever could have. Jangmi only had grandparents from Minji’s side who adored her. Then, only a year ago, on Christmas, my mom and dad suddenly changed their minds. After fourteen years of being completely out of touch, they wanted to be part of Jangmi’s life, but I kept refusing.

Fate || PART 2 of 'Good Luck, Babe!' (Bbangsaz)Where stories live. Discover now