Division One

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"So," Sho Hinakawa said around a bite of his rice. "This is the new girl." I remained silent as he chewed his rice and continued to study me. I resisted the urge to fidget nervously under his gaze. Something about the kid was familiar though, like a baby brother or little cousin...

"She's quiet," Nobuchika Ginoza commented before sticking a piece of egg in his mouth. He raised an eyebrow when I turned my gaze to him. I looked around the table and named each of the people at the table. Hinakawa was sitting to my right, and Shion Karanomori was on my left. Beside her was Yayoi Kunizuka followed by Inspector Tsunemori. Kogami sat on her other side which, of course, was directly across from him. Ginoza was on his left, leaving two empty chairs between him and Hinakawa. I guessed that these two were for Mika Shimotsuki and Jyoji Siaga.

"I'm not quiet, I'm just observant," I corrected. "Trust me, I talk way more than should be humanly possible once you get to know me." That was true. I really didn't know how to shut up, especially when I was nervous.

"It's true," Kogami agreed, nodding his head. "She didn't stop talking at all last night during dinner." I blushed looked down at my food shyly.

"It 's been two days and you've already taken her to dinner, Ko?" Karanomori looked shocked. "You work fast." She put her hand on her heart mockingly like a distressed damsel and laughed when the dark-haired man glared at her.

"Anyway," Kunizuka stressed the word, glancing at her girlfriend warningly. Kogami had told me about their relationship last night, but it had been obvious to me the minute we sat down. "What's the new case?"

Shion sighed and muttered something about business as usual while Inspector Tsunemori pulled out a small projector device. She laid it flat in the center of the table and instantly pictures of crimes scenes flashed as she spoke.

"There's been a string of murders in block 64 over the past few days," Tsunemori explained. "It was originally Division Two's case, but Chief Kasei decided to transfer it over to us. This is their prime suspect." Suddenly, the image changed to the file of a familiar-looking man with plain looks, brown hair and brown eyes. Where do I know him from?

"Kotaro Nanase," Akane continued. "39 years of age, no prior arrests or incidents to speak of. He works in Block 62, right next door, and he's the only person in the area whose Crime Coefficient has spiked abnormally in the past week. He may not be our guy, but it couldn't hurt to bring him in."

But I wasn't listening anymore. Kotaro Nanase. Sybil might not have recognized him as a latent criminal, but I did. He was one of Shogo's flunkies, more talk than anything else. His work in construction made him useful when we needed explosives or other material, but aside from that he was expendable. What didn't make sense was why he was committing murders now all of a sudden. What does he think he's doing?

"Mariko? Mariko!" I looked up to see Kogami watching me carefully. "Are you all right?" I nodded.

"Yeah, just thinking about what our next move should be," I lied. Kogami stiffened and I tensed for a moment, thinking he had caught my lie. We locked eyes in a staredown. Then, as soon as it had started it was over.

"So what do you think we should do?" I blinked at his question. What the hell? My mind was racing as I thought of a way to hide my connection to Nanase. Finally an idea came to me. A horrible, cruel, half-baked idea that could help me gain the trust of everyone in Division One if it worked.

"Inspector Tsunemori is right, we should definitely bring him in," I answered drawing closer to the table. "But if the murders have been happening at his job and not his home, we'd be better off looking for him there. Here's what I'm thinking..."

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