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Narrator's POV

"Mika!" exclaimed Mariko, running after the brown-haired Inspector. The younger woman turned at Mariko's voice, her expression questioning. "Have you seen Akane?"

Mika Shimotsuki shook her head. "No, I haven't," she replied. "Doesn't she have your dress?"

Mariko gave the younger woman an exasperated look. "Yes!" Mika's burgundy eyes widened in realization as Mariko's words hit home.

"I'll help you look," she told Mariko firmly. Just as the words left her mouth, Yayoi and Shion walked into the room, beaming at each other mischievously. "Hey!" Mika called, waving the pair over.

"Hey," greeted Shion as she and Yayoi made their way to the other women. Looking at Mariko, she continued, "Shouldn't you be getting dressed?"

The brunette shot Shion a frustrated look. "I'm kind of trying to work on that," she replied curtly. "Have either of you seen Akane?"

The two women shared another mischievous look. "Oh, we've seen her, all right." At the confused looks on Mariko and Mika's faces, Yayoi and Kunizuka took them by the arm, leading them through the house.

Suddenly, the group stopped in front of a bedroom. The door was slightly ajar, allowing the sound from inside to leak through. "... Are you sure we should be doing this?" That was Akane. She sounded worried. "I need to give Mariko her dress soon."

"I'm sure Mariko and the others will be able to live without you for a few more minutes." Mariko's blue eyes widened as Nobuchika's familiar voice registered. She stared at Yayoi and Shion with wide eyes as the two nodded excitedly.

In truth, Mariko was surprised she hadn't considered looking for Nobuchika herself. He and Akane had been inseparable since the Ryder Harkness incident more than a year ago. Has it really only been a year? It had felt like an eternity, though sometimes it seemed like only yesterday. Mariko considered everything that had happened since that day.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

One year ago...

"Where are we going?" Mariko asked as she and Shinya drove through the streets of Japan. It had been a month since Ryder's death, and Mariko had finally been allowed outside of the MWPSB. Her freedom had been short-lived, however, thanks to Shinya practically forcing her into his car the minute she stepped out the door.

"It's a secret," replied Shinya, grinning mischievously as he drove. "You'll see when we get there." Mariko sighed and looked out the window, searching for some clue as to their destination. She began to perk up almost immediately when she the familiar Ferris wheel overlooking the docks.

When they finally arrived, Shinya insisted on opening the door for her. She raised an eyebrow at his unusual but welcome politeness and got out of the car. "Okay, what is going on?" Shinya merely smiled and pointed at the far end of the dock, directing Mariko's attention to a small table set up with dinner for two. "Now I'm really curious," Mariko said as they neared the table. Shinya pulled the chair out for her and sat down himself. "How did you have time to set all this up?"

He smirked. "You can thank the other members of Division One for this," he replied. "It was a team effort."

Mariko nodded with a grin and pulled the silver dish covering off her own plate. "I suppose Akane didn't have anything to do with the cooking," she joked as the delicious smell of steak, real steak, reached her nose.

"No, that was all me," replied Shinya with a laugh. "Although she and Ginoza did help a little." Mariko grinned at the thought of those two running around the kitchen while Shinya instructed them.

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