Puzzle Pieces

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Kogami's POV

"You want to talk about it?" Ginoza asked as I walked through the door of Karanomori's office. I shrugged off my coat and shook my head. He nodded and turned back to the screen. The rest of the team glanced at me with concern but said nothing. I supposed that they were worried about Mariko as well, but knew better than to say anything.

Shion was the first to break the silence. She cleared her throat. "Right, then," she began. "The case." A picture appeared on the screen. It was Rin's body. The image zoomed in until we could see a short brown hair on the body. "We found a short brown hair on Otori's body a few hours earlier. Analysis was able to rush the results, but we didn't find anything."

"I thought you said you got a break in the case?" I demanded.

Yayoi was the one who answered this time. "Ko," she said. "You're not listening. We didn't find anything because we didn't get a result. The hair didn't match any of the DNA in our databases."

It was only then that I understood Shion's words. "What?!" I exclaimed, stepping closer to the screens. "But that's impossible." DNA testing had been around for ages and at this point there was no one the Sybil System couldn't track in or out of Japan. Even Kamui and Makishima would have been found in the databases if they had been foolish enough to leave behind any actual evidence.

Karanomori nodded, her brown eyes filled with frustration. "We know," she said. "That's kind of why we were hoping you'd have some insight into this from your experience doing whatever the hell you've been doing for the past three years."

I blinked in confusion. They think I know something about this? Then I realized that I did know something. There was no one in the world who could escape having their DNA sampled and put into a database accessed by the Sybil System. That is, unless the Sybil System didn't want to register their existence. It was impossible to escape the Sybil System's eye, unless you were invisible, almost like a Ghost...

Rushing to the computer, I barked orders at Karanomori. "Pull up all unsolved cases involving unidentified DNA!" I told her.

"But," Karanomori began to protest.

"Just do it!" I yelled. Without hesitating, Shion began clacking on her keyboard. Almost immediately, dozens of case files began to pop up on the screens.

"Oh God," breathed Shimotsuki. "There must be dozens."

I ignored her and looked down at Shion. "Is there a way to see the frequency of the cases in relation to each other?" I asked.

She scoffed. "Come on, Ko. It's me we're talking about here."

I smirked. "You're a goddess, Shion." She chuckled and tapped a few more keys. Almost immediately, my temporary lightheartedness disappeared.

My expression was grim as I took in the information before me. "The killings have grown more and more frequent in the last three weeks," I said bitterly. "How did we not see this?" The question was meant more for myself than the others, but Akane answered anyway.

"Look at the division who worked on the cases previously," she commented, pulling up some of the files from a few years ago. "Division Three. Wasn't that where Togane used to work before transferring to Division One?"

"Sakuya Togane?" I asked. "I worked with him a few times. The guy was as slimy as they come. I didn't trust him as far as I could throw him." The truth was, I was kind of glad the guy was dead. We had never gotten along well and I could only imagine the havoc he and Mariko could have caused. I shook the thought out of my head. Get it together, Kogami, I scolded myself. You don't have time to think about her right now.

Bound by Fate *Psycho-Pass*(Kogami x OC)Where stories live. Discover now