The Promise

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Mariko's POV

This was wrong. Everything about it was wrong, and yet somehow, I was powerless to stop it. You chose this, scolded that annoying voice in the back of my mind. You decided to make this your lot in life a long time ago. Now you have no one to blame but yourself.

Even so, I couldn't stop my hands from shaking as I aimed the gun at Shinya. He was staring right at me, his blue eyes pleading, searching for a sign that this was all some twisted joke. I wished that it was. All I wanted was to put down the gun and smile at him, to wrap my arms around him and say that everything would be all right. But I couldn't. This was real, and the only way to get out of it safely was to play my part.

I remained silent as Ryder continued to gloat. "Did you like our little letter?" he asked, a smug grin on his face. Shinya's face twisted in horror and realization as the pieces clicked into place. Ryder laughed – no, cackled­ – at his expression. "Oh, did you really think she wrote that to you all on her own?" The brown-haired man's expression turned pitiful. "Sorry, no. What did you think of that whole bit at the end, hmm? What was the line, Mariko?" Ryder turned to look at me, but I kept my eyes on Shinya and stayed quiet. Ryder glared at me for moment, but suddenly turned and clapped his hands together. "Oh, that's right!" He remembered, smirking down at the ex-Enforcer. "'Maybe next time around we can be a real couple, like in the old days.'" Another cackle. "How pathetic! I can't believe you actually bought that!"

But Shinya was no longer listening to the brown-haired man. He kept his blue eyes trained on me. "Why?" When he spoke, his voice cracked. I felt my heart shatter as I noticed the glimmer of tears in his eyes. "I thought that..." he trailed off, unable to finish.

Before I could respond, Ryder laughed. "You thought what?" he goaded. "That you could be together? That she could actually love you?!" He laughed as though the thought was absurd. "Haven't you figured it out yet? You are a pawn, a means to an end and nothing more." At Shinya's look of confusion he continued, "Still don't get it? How about one of those hypotheticals you love so much, eh?"

I grit my teeth and I could tell that Shinya was doing the same as his body tensed. We both continued to remain silent as the brown-haired madman spoke. "Picture this: A certain Ghost is called in to work the case of a young woman with an inexplicably high Psycho-Pass. Along the way, he not only discovers she used to be the lover of his arch-enemy and is currently plotting to destroy the Sybil System, but he also falls in love with her.

"Thinking that they were destined to be together, the Ghost forgives the suspect after she declares her love for him. His guard is down and he thinks everything will be all right now. But, little did he know that it was all one great big scheme." Ryder smirked as Shinya glared at him.

"What the hell does that mean?" demanded Shinya. He was frustrated, I could tell. I waited for Ryder's response, but it never came. Soon, I realized both men were waiting for me to finish what Ryder had started.

I took a deep breath and steeled myself for what I knew would be a grueling performance. "It means that you were supposed to catch me, Shinya." I forced a laugh as his eyes widened. "Did you really think I would be stupid enough to use a com that was obviously recorded? I mean, come on, I think I deserve at least some credit." Smirking, I grinned at Shinya with a superior look. "I did manage to make you think I was in love with you, after all."

Shinya stepped back as if I'd slapped him. For a long moment the room was silent as Ryder and I smirked down at Shinya triumphantly. He looked so lost, so utterly broken. However, before he could respond, the sound of clapping pierced the room. It was slow, and the sound of footsteps could be heard as the clapping got closer. We all turned to get a better look at the newcomers and my heart almost leapt into my throat at the sight.

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