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Kogami's POV

When I woke up, Mariko was gone. I glanced at the clock. 7 am. She's probably already gone to the office so she can get a head start on the case. My mood immediately darkened at the thought of our newest case. Rintaro Otori, Mariko's twin brother and the man who had caused her eight years' worth of suffering. Part of me was glad he was dead, but a larger part knew that his loss was affecting Mariko far more than she was willing to admit.

My thoughts then turned to the dark-haired woman who had stolen my heart in a manner of weeks. I was still trying to process her words from last night. From what she had told me before, I already knew Makishima had played a large role in her life, but I'd had no idea just how large. Part of me wondered if she still loved him...

Stop it, scolded my subconscious. You're being ridiculous. Mariko's already admitted her feelings for you. This is your chance to start a new life with her. Don't get paranoid and ruin it.

I shook my head and tried to clear out other thoughts, but the annoying little voice which sounded suspiciously like Ginoza refused to go down without a fight. You don't know that she isn't trying to trick you, it said. She's lied to you before without a problem. Who's to say she wouldn't do it again? I ignored the thought and went back to getting ready. Suddenly, I heard a knock at the door. Smirking, I moved to open the door.

"You know," I called as I opened the door. "You don't have to knock. I think we've seen enough of each other at this point that shyness is pretty much pointless."

Ginoza stood outside the door with a raised eyebrow. "I'll keep that in mind," he said in a monotone voice as he stepped past me.

I stared at the black-haired Enforcer in shock. "Sorry," I said with a hint of sheepishness. "I thought you were Mariko."

"I figured that much out," he said in the same bored tone. I could tell he was searching for something as he looked around my room, but I wasn't sure what. He seemed to find what he was looking for, because he turned to look at me abruptly, his expression grim. "Can we talk?"

I studied him suspiciously. "What about?" I asked, although I already knew the answer.


Scoffing, I walked past him and continued to get ready. "There's nothing to talk about."

"You and I both know that's not true," he argued. Nobuchika followed me as I moved about the room. "I don't trust her, Ko."

"You've barely spoken to her, Gino," I retorted. Turning to look at my friend, I raised an eyebrow. "Can you honestly tell me that you know anything about her other than what you've read in her file?"

Ginoza studied me thoughtfully for a moment. "No," he finally admitted. "But that's exactly why I don't trust her!" he exclaimed when I walked away. Chasing after me, he continued, "None of us know anything about her except for you, Ko."

I scoffed. Probably because if you did, you'd kill her yourself. Of course I didn't say that out loud, although I wanted to. "Do you think that maybe it's because she trusts me?" I offered. "She been through hell the past few years, Gino. It's possible she doesn't trust you guys either."

Nobuchika sighed and put a hand to his temple. "Ko, look at this logically," he pleaded. "Mariko Otori disappeared for eight years. That's eight years of information we know absolutely nothing about aside from what she tells us, which is nothing in case you've forgotten. Then, all of a sudden, she appears out of the blue unconscious in an empty warehouse by the docks. She is absolutely silent for the three days, and suddenly you appear and it's like she's a freakin' canary. You're the only one she actually speaks to, not to mention she never goes out unless she's with you. Don't you think it's all a little convenient?"

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