Episode 5 - Project: Manage

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[The setting takes place inside Andre's Pub on a Monday night. Inside, Andre is wiping the tabletops where it seemed to be a pretty quiet evening. Meanwhile, Clyde, Kyle, Derrick and Gene are sitting in their usual booth making small talk. Usually the group would come in to catch up with each other, to have a drink, or to wind down after a long week of work, but Clyde's reason tonight, was definitely to wind out as he lets out a yawn. Clyde then speaks with a soft and tired tone.]

Clyde: Man, talk about a long day.

[Clyde rubs his eyes for a minute, while Kyle proceeds to slam his drink on the table, effectively waking Clyde up. Though Kyle is completely oblivious to Clyde's comment as he more focused on pitching his usual "date-grabbing" ideas to the group.]

Kyle: Alright, so what do you think of this? I bet you I can get the most numbers in this bar dressed as a marionette.

Derrick: C'mon, Kyle, that's not going to work.

Kyle: Why?

Clyde: For starters, who the hell is going to operate your strings, because we sure won't.

Kyle: True, but what about a mime... who can do magic tricks!

Derrick: People like mimes. [Sarcasm]

Gene: Yeah, I don't see the point of dressing yourself up as something just to get dates.

Kyle: Then allow me to demonstrate! [Smirks]

[A couple hours later, Kyle is standing in the center of the pub, now dressed as a mime. Kyle is speaking to a group of girls, who seemed somehow impressed by his Mime tricks, with one even chuckling. Kyle raises his sleeve as he positions his arm to the chuckling girl. A green wand sticks out of Kyle's sleeve, and as the girl wasn't sure what he was doing, her friend helped her out.]

Female: Is he doing what I think he's going to do?

[One female shrugs, while the other girl grabs the green wand from Kyle's sleeve and it suddenly turns into a bouquet. She is thrilled by the revelation and the girls applauded for Kyle. We zoom out to see most of the bar is watching Kyle perform this trick, including Andre from the bar, and Kyle's friends from the booth afar. Most of Kyle's attention is due to the fact he's dressed as a mime, but most of the audience watching is actually impressed by his judge and character.]

Clyde: I can't believe it.

Derrick: I should've waited to order dinner, this is practically theater.

[Kyle proceeds to grab a pair of gloves from his pockets as he places them on his hands. Then, Kyle grabs a pair of cards to show the group. He laid the cards out for one of them to pick.]

Girl 3: Picking a card? This should be clever. [Sarcasm]

Girl 2: Shhh!

[The girl debates on which card to pick until she eventually picks the center. Kyle smirks and takes the card back. Kyle then proceeds to hide the full deck, with no trace of it being shown in his hands. Then Kyle snaps his figures, only for his hand to catch on fire. The girls gasp, then Clyde, Derrick and Gene, and lastly Andre who makes an aggravated look. The fire fades out from Kyle's hand to feature the card the female had selected. Kyle shows the female the card she had selected and the crowd cheers for Kyle. Kyle also hands her a note that requests for her phone number. The female smiles and gives her their number. She hands the slip back to Kyle and just as he bows to the group, Andre calls out to Kyle from the bar.]

Andre: Kyle! Get over here!

[Kyle's eyes widen as he turns over to Andre's direction and notices the irritable look he is giving him.]

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