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Within a week Theo figured out all the people and their connections and he had killed more people than he had all his life now to get information... In a week his Father saw his son now a Gang leader and scared everyone caused he meant business and he was now ready to attack, he had plan the perfect plan to attack and get revenge..... His eyes show no hesitation, everyone could see that and they tremble...
It was now Friday , Dia lays on her bed looking much healthier and bruises getting better . She actually looks peaceful as she sleeps on her hospital bed.
Theo came at 11pm... his sister sleeps on the other side of the room and woke up as he opened the door...She has been guarding Dia and she had been worn out but she was still alert and ready to attack anyone that harms Dia.
This is exactly the reason why Theo choose his sister to protect Dia cause she can do it and he trust her the most...
She left to give them space...

Theo sat on a chair and hold her was warm...It was like she was just sleeping and that nothing was wrong and that she was just sleeping and she was all healthy and not in a coma but everything happened and because he could not protect her she was now on the cold hospital bed not ready to wake up and face the emotional trauma she face... A tear fell from Theo's eyes .
He kissed Dia's hands and said sorry over and over again....
Theo... he was also broken..... he blames himself so much..... can anyone understand his pain?...I don't think so... Theo blames himself for bringing his sweet little angel into this world and not able to protect her...he loves her and he regrets loving her....he loves her so much but he regrets loving her so much.....and regrets more...

Dia, I am so... sorry...

Dia was sitting in her white room inside her mind when she heard someone saying sorry over and over again and they sound so sad and sorry that it stir her heart... she wanted to see who it was but she did not know how to do so... she pace her room and shout at herself laying on the bed to wakeup...crying... but she could not do anything... she just could not open her eyes nor wakeup... Dia wondered who it was, the person who she could hear...the only voice she heard since she was locked in this room other than the sound of water dripping.... Dia was happy...

And Theo was back again business, they plan to attack them on Sunday, and their base was in the city, cause they were actually running a illegal casino and a hotel.
Theo just wanted to blow out the whole building but it was in the middle of the city and there will be innocent people in the hotel so he changed his plans a bit and they plan to attack the penthouse or blow up the Penthouse cause it is there where the lady who visited them when they were locked up and did everything to them and this will also give time for people to evacuate.
Theo sent a few guys as hotel customers before and they go the blue print of the whole structure and they have now finally curated a fail proof plan to blow up the Penthouse... Teo knew that this is just the beginning or that there is someone behind her or THE MILLERS were behind her , Theo knew that they were too big of a gang for him to kill all of them cause the MILLERS gang is the biggest gang and that he was so much smaller and he can't defeat them but now Theo can't rest knowing that Dia is sleeping on that cold hospital bed because of her so it was his plan to kill her first ...

Sunday came and they set up the bombs on the top floor of the hotel, by 3 am She came back and they blew up the whole Penthouse with HER... it was as if she never existed cause nothing even a bone or nothing remained....

Theo was in the road as he looked at the hotel blew up in flame...

Theo's profession as a game developer helped in planning so his plan was a success and nobody was goanna know it was him , no evidence left...

No one knew who did it....

The next day it was all in the news, a few civilians were hurt escaping from the hotel and 2 hotel staff who evacuated the guest died and that was it the cops could not find any evidence but they were sure it was intentional and till then The Millers have been quite...I guess she wasn't as important as she said she was to the Millers.

He wanted no one to know what happened and someone could be keeping an eye on him so the following week he went back to work at his Gaming company and acted like nothing happened, visiting the pub and visiting his Dad as if nothing ever happened...

Theo's Dad looked at his son and did not say a word or question him... he once had his wife kidnapped and killed by another gang so he actually did more than Theo cause now that gang does not exist anymore , he did not rest for 7 whole years killing each and everyone in that gang who killed his wife......he understands his son the most....not the best Dad but he understands his son's pain the most right now....

It was on Thursday night it was 2am and he was laying on his bed when he got a call form his sister, she had woken up... His Angel, his baby, his love, his Dia she had woken up...

Finally, she woke up....

Thank God...

I love you Dia...

END of Chapter 12.

Thankyou for reading 23Days, I hope you like it .
Thanks again and bye.

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