Chapter 3 -The movies-

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“I’m bored” Jemma moaned “I’m bored too” Zayn moaned “and I’m hungry!” Niall yelped we all turned to look at him and giggled. “I’ve got it!” Zayn said excitedly “what?” I asked curiously “THE MOVIES!!

When we got to the movies we looked at the choices on the posters.

·         Twilight saga Breaking dawn

·         Toy Story 3

·         Pitch Perfect

·         Finding Nemo

“Finding NEMO” Niall and Zayn yelled. “Are you guys serious?” Jemma said. “What about Breaking Dawn?” We asked them “yeah sure that was like what I wanted to watch I just knew Niall would like Nemo that’s why I said it...” Zayn said “well ok let’s go!” Niall muttered something under his breath about Zayn always blaming things on him. We payed for the tickets then got Niall a jumbo sized coke and popcorn and walked into cinema 3.

The movie was just starting and we sat down Niall, Jemma, me then Zayn. Every time the boys saw the werewolves they duck their heads into me and Jemma’s shoulders then finally the movie was over! In the first five minutes of the movie Niall had already finished his popcorn. Then we went back to the boys’ hotel room and watched Television the boys got bored so we let them watch Tom and Jerry… “Wow you guys look cozy” I get up to see Kassidy, Liam, Chelsea, Louis and Harry in the door laughing, I get up and see I was resting my head on Zayn’s shoulder. Oh Crap. “Umm so what did you guys get?” Jemma said breaking the awkward silence. “Well we got drinks, chips, car-“she was cut off by Louis “CARROTS!” Zayn smirked at Louis’ comment. OMG HIS SMILE!! “Oh and we got you Rebecca something gorgeous!” Chelsea says pulling out an amazing red sequined dress. “Wow I love it! How much do I owe you?” “Nothing the boys both piched in for you” I ran up to Liam, Louis and Harry and gave them all huge hugs. “THANK YOU SO MUCH!” “We’re glad you like it you’ll be wearing it to the music awards tomorrow night.                                                       

The other guys went into the kitchen when I heard Zayn shyly ask me do you want to be my date for the awards tomorrow night? “sure” I told him trying not to scream!

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