Chapter 1

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 You are recently moving to your mother friends house...why? Your father left you and your mother to go be with his other lover when you were 8. You and your mother where left alone and your mother started working full time so you really didn't get to see her offer. You didn't complain though. Of course you told yourself the minute you could go get a job you did. Your mother didn't want to worry you and wanted you to focus on your studies instead but you convinced her anyway. Your mother told you that's recently you guys were invented to a wedding of her friends who was recently getting married.You told your mother to go buy a dress and go have fun. You didn't need to go to with her it would cost to much. She thanked you and went to the wedding but you didn't know what your mother really was planning.

"You came (mother name)  but where is your beautiful daughter?" Miwa said.

"Miwa we been friends for a really long time". Mother name said sadly.

"What's wrong (mother name)". Miwa said looking worried.

"I'm very sick and my daughter doesn't know a thing (that's what your mother thought) I know it's  your wedding day but please promise me you'll take care of her. Her father can't be found anywhere and I don't want her to be alone anymore...she was only 8 when her father left. She's a good child I swear she won't cause any harm but as one last favor can you please take her in". Your mother said while crying.

"Alright (mother name)  it the least I can do after all you did help my company grow by believing in me and loaning me the money which I still didn't pay back after all these years I'll just put it in your bank account". Miwa said while smileing sadly.

"No put it (name)'s account she need the money more after my days are on a thin line". ( mother name )said.

Alright". Miwa said.

With that the wedding continue and miwa told her husband about the conversation she had with your mother and said it was fine. A month pass and your mother die in a accident do to her passing out while coming home from work. Your mother knew was going to happen so she gave you the details about what would happen on a letter she wrote and you found in her room. She told you to call miss miwa number and miss miwa would explain everything. You packed and said goodbye to friends. You were going to leave then you started to remember what miss miwa said.

"I hope you like living there, a big surprise is waiting there for you". Miwa said happily.

"A surprise". I said. 

Your mother always told you that miss miwa was a energetic lady, always finding love and encouraging it.

"Well I hope you like living there (your name)". Miwa said.

"Thank you miss miwa, I promised to repay you someday". I said.

"You can by...oh look at the time I have a meeting I'll send a car for you and you'll get there a little after noon".miwa said happily knowing she confused you a little.

"Oh ok thank you again and goodbye". I said.

With that you hung up the phone ending the conversation.

( back to present)

You enter the car and it drove away to your new home.

( at the Asahina household)

Masaomi hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" Ukyo said while picking up his tea.

"That was mother, she said that someone is coming to live with us". Masaomi said.

"Someone new is coming. Is a boy or girl". Ukyo said while putting his tea and hopeing if it was a girl since there was enough males and it would be good for Ema.

" it's a girl, Ukyo can you called the others and bring them to the living room so we can tell them all at once. Ill call nastume, and Hikaru to see if they can come over ". Masaomi said while picking up the phone to call the other siblings to see if they weren't busy.

"Alright". Ukyo said.

Ukyo was able to call everyone down and Masaomi was able to get Hikaru and nastume to come over".

"We have a new member to the family and it's a female.". Masaomi said while siting down next to Wataru.

Everyone was surprised and shocked the a new member was going to come. Every one minds were find with questions.

"I wonder what age she is". Ema said.

"We weren't told what age she would be" Ukyo said.

"I wonder if she pretty or not" Wataru said happily.

" I wonder what she will be like since we weren't told much about her". Masaomi  said while smiling at Wataru.

"Another sister". Tsubaki said happily while wrapping  his arm around his twin brothers shoulder.

"Another sister" Azusa said while trying to imagine what she will look like.

" I wonder if she cooks and cleans". Masaomi said.

"That sounds nice doesn't  Ema". Kaname said while winking at her causing her to blush. 

"Yea...yeah". Ema said while stuttering.

" I wonder if she going to school with us?" Yusuke said.

"Maybe she plays sports." Subaru said.

" I hope she will be pretty and play with me!" Wataru said happily.

"I wonder what's her hair length?". Louis said while facing juli.

"At least it isn't another wolf". Juli said.

" I wonder what the size of breast will be... A cup or b cup maybe c cup". Ukyo said while slightly blushing. 

"Well we will  help her since she is going to be our sister". Masaomi said while smileing.

"Of course".they all said.

"Well I can't wait." Ema said happily.

You POV 

I'm finally here it took awhile to get here. Sunshine is the name of the building the driver said it was down this way. I can't believe the tire broke while on our way here. I guess it didn't matter  though since it was so close. I put the key into the door that miss miwa sent me and open it. I walk down the hall and when in the elevator and press the 2nd floor since there was only three. Once I got in I started to think again. Miss miwa said that she had a surprise for me...I wonder what she means and I wonder what she was going to say before she left. The elevator open and I walked out. Surprised to see what was in front of me.

"Ah are you guys miss miwa's family member, I will be living here so please pardon my intrusion". I said.

Authors note 

Ok I did it it took awhile, but it's out there. Waiting for the next chapter why don't you go check out my diabolik lovers x reader or my Rin x Oc story./('^')/thank you.

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