Chapter 10

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" Juli ?" I said entering my room

"Is that your pet?" Julian said

"No, it's Ema." I said 

"Other wolf, what are you doing, bringing him here?" Juli said

"He is just a friend, that's all." I said causing Juli to calm down and leaving Julian confused

"Oh alright." Juli said running out the door and you closed it afterward

"Anyway let me find you some clothes." I said going through my clothes

"Umm..why do you have a guys underwear?" Julian said shocked

"I like to wear guys there something wrong about that?" I said 

"N-no it's just...I never knew that someone..." Julian

"No i use them as shorts and stuff. I don't wear them as underwear..."




"Well, anyways here is some clothes and stuff, you should go in first." I said handing him the clothes

"Alright." Julian said entering your bathroom

You started to think to yourself. "God that was weird and awkward. Why did I even invite him...hopefully no one thinks we are anyone would think that. What are we going to do when he gets out. Did I put away my friends  book...I don't want that to happen again. Are we friends now...I'm pretty sure we are...I called him my friend like 4 times or something like that. I wonder what he is thinking. I hope I don't get a cold...I hate being sick...but if I'm sick Masaomi might take care of me...what I'm I thinking." The bathroom door opens. "Was I thinking to myself for that long." 

"Thanks for lending me your shower." Julian said entering your room and siting on your bed.

"Yeah it was no problem...I'm going to go take one my self." I said grabbing clothes and entering the bathroom." You can read anything on the shelf." 

"Alright." Julian said looking at your shelf of manga books. He looked on the bottom shelf and found the friend's manga

"Oh, I didn't know she was into this stuff." Juli said grabbing it and going to sit on your bed.

In bathroom

"Think clean thoughts, think clean thoughts." I said under the water that was running on me

"Alright I'm pretty much done... How long have I been in here." I thought getting out and drying myself

"I have been in here for awhile though it only felt like seconds." I thought opening the door 

"Hey." Julian said putting a manga back on the shelf

"Hey...sorry if I took long." I said 

"It was no problem." Julian said

"Do you want to play something or watch something." I said a little nervous 

"Yeah." Julian said happily

You both started playing. You wining most of the time and barely losing. But when you did you would yelled and that would cause Julian to laugh. But Julian was the same as you, once he would lose he would yell too causing  you to laugh. Julian would casually play hit you time to time or block your view of the screen so he could win. You hate that. Your yells of yes and no could be heard quite clearly.  There were times where you would scream each other names and other words as well. You ended a match and put your head on bed sighing and you could hear Julian yelling yes. You through the controller in the floor. Then you heard a knock and a rings.

"Mm?" I said getting up and Julian watching

I open the door and saw Ema with Juli on her shoulder.

"Hey." I said happily 

"Ummm...dinner is almost done." Ema said 

"Oh..I'm sorry for not helping today." I said

"No it's alright..." Ema said Juli nuzzling against her

"We will be right down." I said 

"Alright." Ema said the  walked away

"It's about time for dinner." I said turning around to face Julian 

"Alright." Julian said getting up from his spot and following you

You and Julian walked down the stairs and you showed where Julian could sit. He sat there while you went to go help Ukyo and Ema with the rest of dinner. He started to wonder to himself.

"I had a lot of fun today...I hope (name) did too. She is really fun to hang out with not to mention really  pretty too. I wonder if I like her...I can't like her I only known her for like a week or so. I wonder what she thinks of me...obviously a friend after all we really just met and I'm already at her house and eating dinner. I'm pretty surprised about the guy underwear...the shirt and shorts she gave me are pretty big...I wonder if their another males. There are so many males in this her "family". Julian heard your voice and that snapped him back to reality.

"Hey Iori." I said happily siting between him and Julian 

"Hey, how are you." Iori said happily since he didn't really talk to you for awhile

"I'm fine, I was wandering if you want to walk together it been awhile since we did." I said hopefully thinking he would agree

"I would really like that." Iori said smiling. You loved when Iori smiled it was like a flower starting to bloom.

You and Iori continued to didn't forget about Julian but you loved talking to iori it was like a update on your lives thought at times not much would occur. And it seem to bring and Iori a little bit closer so you didn't want to miss the chance. You both continue to talk during dinner till you heard a oh.

"Oh." Julian said looking at his watch.

"What is it." I said curious

"I need to go now actually." Julian said

"Oh, alright..just change in my room your clothes should be dry by now." I said

"Yeah." Julian saiding getting up and entering your room

"Hey,(name) who clothes is he wearing." Ema asked innocent 

"Oh,just some clothes I forgot to return to a friend." I said 

"Alright." Julian said coming down the stairs.

"Let me walk you halfway." I said 

"You don't have to, honestly it is pretty late." Julian said

"No, it's alright it would be rude of me not to." I said

"(Name)." Julian said 

"Julian, honestly it's fine." I said getting up

"A-alright." Julian said

"Great, let get going then." I said putting on my shoes

Author note

Here you guys go. Excuse any grammar and spelling. /('^')/ thanks for reading. Comments about anything...maybe something you want to add. 

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