Chapter 6

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 You and Iori walked out of the building. Iori grabbing his bike along with him.

"Thanks for walking with me Iori." I said happily

"It's no problem." Iori said

"It means a lot to me though...I would usually walk alone to school and work." I said walking ahead of him.

"I see." Iori said

"So thanks again." I said

"Yeah." Iori said

"So how is school Iori, you go to a different school from us." I said

"It's fine." Iori said

"That's good." I said



"Would you like to go with me to pick out some flowers for my teacher today." Iori said

"I would really like that." I said.

"That's good." Iori said.

"I'll wait for you at the front gate ok, Iori, your school gets out a couples minutes later then ours." I said.

"Alright." Iori said 

You and Iori made it to the station and took it there. He should you the way to his school and then took you to yours. You both were at the front of the school gate.

"Oh Iori why do you take this." I said handing him a dumdum(lollipop)

"Thank you." Iori said.

"There are really good, I can eat them non-stop." I said happily

"Alright." Iori said smiling seeing how happy you look talking about lollipops.

"Well, goodbye Iori, see you later." I said.

"Goodbye." Iori said getting on his bike and riding off since he didn't want to be late

Iori POV 

(Name) is really nice...and sweet. I can't wait for school to end.

"Iori-San who was that girl you were walking with." Girl said

"Yeah, who is she." Girl 2 said

"..." Iori didn't answer since he was thinking about you.



"Oh, hello, good moring." Iori said finally snapping out of his trance.

"Oh, we better get to class we don't want to be late." Girl said

"Your right, let's go." Girl2 said

Iori then walk away to his class wondering what kind of flowers suit you.

Back to regular POV 

"Hello, my name is (name) it's nice meeting you all." I said happily

"You may go take your seat." Teacher said.

The class pass by and it was now lunch. You noticed that everyone was in groups already so, you were kinda alone. Ema said during lunch you should go to her class and have lunch with her so you took her offer. You got up from your seat with lunch in hand and walked. You bump into someone on the way.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said

"It's alright." Boy said.

You looked into the boy eyes and his eyes remind you of Ruki, they were so blue, you could get lost in them. What you haven't noticed was he was staring back at you too and his friends were watching.

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