Chapter 16

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"You know, you should take up my offer." Ava said finally not moving and siting down properly

"No thanks, go ask Len." I said braiding my hair

"You know Len doesn't like threesomes." Ava said sadly

"Well to bad, it would be illegal anyway." I said

"You're an idiot, I'm a minor. You and your partner are older than me." I said furrowed my eyebrows

"Pffff, you act like minors don't do it these days, they do it all the time." Ava said waving

"You know that relationship between minors and adults are real, right. You just don't get caught." Ava said happily." Plus you don't even look 17, you look older."

"No, I'm not doing it." I said

"Fine, it's a waste though, I bet you would be pretty good." Ava said

"Really now." I laughed

"You never did it huh?" Ava said

"..yeah..., is there a problem." I said

"Really, I was thinking you and Len did some stuff and didn't invite me." Ava said " I don't see why you never got with Len, I always thought you two were a good couple, I bet he would stop going for other women once he with you."

"Len and I didn't do anything, you know he's a..." I said

"A what?" Ava said

"I honestly don't even know?" I laughed

"Really? Well you should call me whenever you want to, I'm always open." Ava said

"Your're already leaving." I said

"Yeah, round 2, you can say." Ava said happily

"Alright see you later." I said rolling my eyes

"See you later." Ava said blowing a pretend kiss at you

"Ugh." I said rolling my eyes and putting my phone to charge.

You went to bed and was completely knocked out, you were so tired. You were also feeling mixed emotions. You felt nervous, excited and happy. You were going out with Tsubaki. You love Tsubaki, from his personality to his looks. You loved every brother but which was the one did youcraved for? The one were you were willing to do? All the brother seem to like you. But which stole your heart you can say, which brother cross your thoughts the most? You woke up.

"God, what time is it." I said looking at the clock "huh"

You were surprised you woke up early, well early enough to get ready to go out. You got up and took a nice clean shower. You dried yourself and did all that good stuff, you got your outfit out.

"Hmmm, should I wear this?" I thought having second thoughts

"Well, I already got it out and I guess it's pretty cute." I said out loud to no one

You put on the outfit, and looked in the mirror. You decide you would just let your hair down today.

"Alright." I said looking at myself in the mirror "Maybe I should ask Ema for her opinion."

You got your wallet and such and walked out the door. You walked over to Ema's door to see if she was there. She wasn't. You look all over for her and couldn't find her.

"Ema." I said going outside. You saw Iori who turned his head once hearing your voice. His eyes slightly widen.

"Iori, have you seen Ema?" I asked, Iori shook his head

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