Chapter 4

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 (Back to present) 

You Nastume enter the car, you both were quite at first but then you broke the ice.

"So Nastume how long have you been working at the company". I said while pushing my hair to the side.

"I've been working there awhile now,". Nastume said.

"Oh that's good". I said.

"So are you planning to continue to work?". Nastume asked.

" I'm not sure, miss miwa said I should just focus on school and mother wanted me to give up work while I was in  highschool". I said.

"You should focus on school, enjoy your years with ease before you go in college". Nastume said.

"Yeah, your right". I said.

"We are here". Nastume said.

"That was fast". I said.

"Yeah, traffic wasn't  busy today... I wonder why". Nastume said while getting out of the car, and you following his actions.

"Well anyway, we should get going, you don't want to be late to work". I said walking up to Nastume to be aside him.

You and Nastume were walking through the parking lot Nastume looking at you.

"The rumor weren't false about her being a beauty. I was quite surprised to gain two sisters in the same month and both are beautiful...but ( name ) is more beautiful than Ema. More curves than Ema to, wait...what I'm I thinking". Nastume thought.

"Nastume you don't have to lead me anymore, I know the rest of the way". I said.

"It would be rude for me not too". Nastume said seeing that your gaze wasn't on his.

Nastume turn to see what you were looking at and saw the president walking down getting ready to leave. The president continued to walk to the door which him and you were standing at and he saw you and Nastume and walked over.

"( name) why were you late, I have to go now, I have a meeting". President said.

" I woke up late". I said while smileing.

"Sighs, (name) do you know how much trouble Ruki was causing". President said.

"Ruki is his she friends with his son too... Was he the one that called Yesterday at dinner". Nastume thought.

" I know he called me and I told him that he should check his voicemail". I said.

"That boy... Well (name) I will be heading off now. Will you stay at the company today or do you wish for me to give you a ride home". President said.

"No, I will be staying at the company". I said.

"Ok then, Nastume will you take her for the day, she won't cause any trouble, if you need help with anything she will be glad to help...(name) expect Ruki to pop up, goodbye then". President said.

The president then left, leaving you in Nastume's care.

"Shall we go, Nastume". I said.

"Yea". Nastume said leading you to his office, both of you turning eyes. And finally approaching his office.

"Wow Nastume your office is pretty neat, I didn't  think you have things laying around" I said while looking at a shelf.

"Feel free to play anything". Nastume said while taking a seat.

"Alright then" I said.

An hour passed with you playing with Nastume's games.

*ring ring* you check your phone to see an unknown number. *clicks answer*

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