And now i know
Fantasizing about love
Was just me trying to escape from my hole
From the void i had inside
Trying everything to fill it
Taking every person in me
Turning them into the one
Who would mend my broken heart
But i never needed a saviour
I've already saved myselfI never needed a charming prince
I'm a warrior queen
I don't need anyone to feel complete
I am whole on my own
I am my own before being anybody else.I survived hell
And i've risen above it
I conquered every demon of the underworld
And made it my prisoner
I need no man and i fear no bitch
Because i called all my power back to me.I've reclaimed my land
I am my own true love
I am my destiny
I am where i belong
I am my home
My safe place.I belong to no city
I belong to no man
Cause i belong deeply-
Deeply to myself.
l'arte di accogliere il sole
PoetryQueste raccolte di poesie rappresentano e sono la testimonianza del mio percorso di guarigione interiore. Il titolo rappresenta lo scopo stesso di questo processo, accogliere il bello che la vita ha da offrire, concentrandosi sul positivo e lasciar...