All this time
I let myself believe
What others had ever thought about me
I was like "hey gentlemen, can i bring you the menu?"
The choice is on you
All this time
I let them come at me
Let them stop me from doing anything
All this time
I let them dictate what my worth was like
How high was the price
But i'm not in sold
I'm a person who can think on its own
And i'm tired, sick and tired
Of being the good girl
Now i show you
How bad can a good girl go
Cause i'm out of my mind
I don't care anymore
If you don't like
What i do
How i act
What i dress like
If i disagree
With your opinion watch my tongue go on fire
'Cause i won't say yes
When i really want to say no
I won't please you, no
I will call you on your bullshit
'Cause that's what they were in the first place
You gonna hate me either way
So who the fuck cares
I won't be quiet
I won't be good
I won't smile
And i won't understand
I won't go silent
To keep the peace
If i have to go at war
Let me put my armor on
'Cause i will compete
I will never let you walk all over me
I'm sick and tired
Of being a good girl
So i hope you're sat
Let's enjoy the show
Watch me while i show you
How bad a good girl can go

l'arte di accogliere il sole
PoetryQueste raccolte di poesie rappresentano e sono la testimonianza del mio percorso di guarigione interiore. Il titolo rappresenta lo scopo stesso di questo processo, accogliere il bello che la vita ha da offrire, concentrandosi sul positivo e lasciar...