And now i'm realizing that
When i blamed them all on them
I was blaming all on me instead
Projecting my insecurities
Never stand up for myself
How the hell could i pretend
They could give me what i didn't ask for?
How the hell do i pretend
To be respected when
I disrespected myself by letting them disrespect me
I did it all to keep the peace
I did it all to not rock the boat and make a mess
So i fawned
So i said yes when i really wanted to say no
I let them cross all my lines
I let them took all my power
But now that the veil has been lifted
I can finally see clearer
It was me all along
I abandoned myself
And i won't do this no more
Now i burn bridges as needed
I raise my voice to be listened
Now they will listen
Cause my rage is all over the place
And i don't care
If i burn the whole damn planet
I no longer crave to be liked or understood
I am more than okay with being the villain in someone's story
As long as i am not the one in mine
I'm okay with being disliked
I'll no longer dim my light
So they can benefit from it
If you want to heal do it for yourself
I'm not a nurse for the broken hearts
Cause nobody cared to broken mine
Now they will watch me fly
And i'll watch em cry
Because "why do you become so mean"
Oh you mean "how could i finally believe in me?"
Saw the divine in anyone but me
Like they hold the antidote to heal me
Oh my, it was always inside me
Now that i recognize
I am divine
I will no longer hide
I let my light shine
No need to be in disguise
I will no longer hide
I bring myself
To light
I let myself
Walk in the light
I let the light

l'arte di accogliere il sole
PoésieQueste raccolte di poesie rappresentano e sono la testimonianza del mio percorso di guarigione interiore. Il titolo rappresenta lo scopo stesso di questo processo, accogliere il bello che la vita ha da offrire, concentrandosi sul positivo e lasciar...