And i'm finally realizing
That the power i was hiding
Was the only thing that made them rule over me
I'm slowly realizing
That my silence
Was the only thing
Who made them strong
Because as soon as i speak up
As soon as i use my voice
They got no choice but to shut up and listen to me
Because the power i own
Is one of a kind
And they all know
And that's why
That's why
They want to made me quiet
But that's why
That's why
I got to reclaim it now
Cause it's mine
Only mine
To use
Now i'm expressing myself
Now i'm standing up for myself
I won't be shut down again
Cause now
I have my voice back
I have my power back
And they all know
They all know
It means trouble
But i don't care anymore
To be polite and kind
I don't care anymore
If i paint the whole town red
If they all fall dead
I don't care if my light is too bright
They can go blind
I don't care if i'm too hot to handle
They can turn in flames
I don't care if they say i fly too high
I was born to do this anyway
So who's gonna stop me now?
Who's gonna stop me now?
Nobody can
I'm gonna make this town
Make this town
Turn red
I won't be quiet
I won't be controlled
I won't be anybody's but my own
I belong
Only to myself
And this time
Nobody can
Come at me
Nobody can
Make me believe otherwise
This time
I won't doubt my power
I won't doubt my power anymore
Cause it was always mine
Always mine
To own.

l'arte di accogliere il sole
PoetryQueste raccolte di poesie rappresentano e sono la testimonianza del mio percorso di guarigione interiore. Il titolo rappresenta lo scopo stesso di questo processo, accogliere il bello che la vita ha da offrire, concentrandosi sul positivo e lasciar...