And now i know
It was me all along
I gave you the credit to be this version of me
And yes you were a tool to get there
To become who i was always supposed to be
To be what i always was
You were a mirror
And through you
I saw myself for the first time
You made me feel special
And magical
And beautiful
Like anyone ever before
But that beauty
That magic
That uniqueness
Was inside me all along
You just happened to be
The one who made me see it
And now that i finally see me clear
I won't ever let me go
Because i really think highly of me
I do love me
Inside and out
Messy and beauty
All the cells that made me into the beautiful human i am
And i am not
This beautiful human
Because of you
But only
Because of me.

l'arte di accogliere il sole
PoetryQueste raccolte di poesie rappresentano e sono la testimonianza del mio percorso di guarigione interiore. Il titolo rappresenta lo scopo stesso di questo processo, accogliere il bello che la vita ha da offrire, concentrandosi sul positivo e lasciar...