I'm tired of just dreaming about you
I want you here, in my life right now
I want to lay with you on the couch
Watching the sky turns blue
And when the sun shines
I want to wake up next to you.I want this to be true
Not just some fantasy
I've created in my mind
I need you here with me
How soon is now?
How much longer must i wait
Before i can call you mine
Before our lives finally intertwine?I'm good on my own
But i'd be better with you beside me
So come find me
Claim me
Make me yours
I'm already yours
And you're already mine.So why wait?
Every moment apart feels like a waste of time
Being far from you
Is its own kind of torture.Please God if you're listening
Bring my love to me
I'm ready
Is he ready? For me
Make him ready
Because i want him here,
Right now.

l'arte di accogliere il sole
PoetryQueste raccolte di poesie rappresentano e sono la testimonianza del mio percorso di guarigione interiore. Il titolo rappresenta lo scopo stesso di questo processo, accogliere il bello che la vita ha da offrire, concentrandosi sul positivo e lasciar...