My heart's been hurted so many times
That now i can't believe
It can be alive
Without being killed again
Because everytime i am soft with someone
They show me every reason not to be
I just want emotional safety
Like i know he got me
And it's finally safe to let my walls down
Am i asking for too much?
A man that gives me every reason to trust him
Because he's always there
Is all i ask for
And transparency
Someone who's clear in intentions
Someone who builds a fire to keep me warm
Someone who is as deep as the ocean
But sweet as pie
Someone who can provide
And who guards my heart
Like it keeps the most precious treasures
I just want a safe man
A calm man
Someone who finally gives me the peace i've been craving for all my life.

l'arte di accogliere il sole
PoetryQueste raccolte di poesie rappresentano e sono la testimonianza del mio percorso di guarigione interiore. Il titolo rappresenta lo scopo stesso di questo processo, accogliere il bello che la vita ha da offrire, concentrandosi sul positivo e lasciar...