open your wings(fly)

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Just maybe
It doesn't have to make sense
You don't need to understand it
You are here to learn
And try again
You are here to live
And experience
And every experience
Leds you to where you need to be
And you don't need to know how
You don't need to know anything
You just need to live
And let all the pressure go
Loving yourself
Through every stage of your beautiful journey
Through every phase of your messy life
You're a mess
Life is a mess
But that's the whole point
It doesn't have to be easy
Or linear
You don't need to know the answers
Or it will be boring
You need to feel it all
Deep into your bones
Let it hurt
Let it heal
Let it change
Let it expand you
Let it turn you into a different you
A grown you
A better you
Let it do
What it needs to do
Let it
And you'll be free.

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