Chapter Two- Vexi

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It has been two whole days since the shipwreck that separated me and my family. Right now at this moment, I am floating on wood with my oversized gecko. I still haven't seen a sight of my parents or a ship. I still had hope that my parents are probably either on an island or in the same situation as I was. I was never going to believe that they probably drowned. I was freezing cold, and my style doesn't really help me either. What I usually wear is a red sleeveless shirt, a simple leather skirt, high boots, and of course my quiver and bow. So, of course, I was freezing.

"Are you sure you don't want to fly yet?" I ask as I scratch his tiny belly. He burped two days ago so he was his tiny self again. If you're wondering how we were eating, well I did have chicken in my quiver that was originally for NightStar but he kept refusing to eat the chicken just so I could have it instead while he would try to catch fish so I wouldn't go hungry.

"You know, I'm not that hungry NightStar and these are about to spoil! You should eat them and we can go fly to see if we find a ship or something." As soon I said that excuse, his ears perked up.

"That's my boy!" I say happily. When I was about to get a piece of chicken I then heard a really familiar voice.

"Hey, Vexi! What happened to you?" I look around until I saw a huge ship emerging from a huge cloud of fog, it was trader Johan's ship. It was so odd hearing him calling me Vexi... At home, I usually get called Victoria, which is my real name but I always liked the name Vexi a bit more. NightStar was padding on the front of the raft to get closer to the ship.

"Hey! Do you mind a guest on your ship until you arrive at Berk?!" I yell. As I grab on to the side of the ship and climbed on.

When I reached the top I was immediately greeted by him, "You know I am almost reaching Berk you can stay here until we get there!" He welcomes me by grabbing a blanket and putting it around me and hands me a cup of fresh water.

"Okay good. Also thanks." I answer as I smiled at him.

"Would you like me to tell you about the story when I first found Berk?" Ugh, not one of his stories again. Trader Johan is one of the few people that I see often and remember him from Berk because of his trading.

"Um... I think I will be fine for now." I answer sweetly with a fake smile.

"Are you su-"

"Oh look at that I see Berk!" I interrupt. I run to the edge of the ship. I saw a couple of people waving.

"Oh goody, they seem to have good stuff!!!" He yells as he stops it on the harbor. The first person I see when I get off was the chief, Stoick.

He looked at me for a while, I'm guessing he is trying to figure out who I am, then his eyes widen and he starts to laugh.

"Ah! Victoria! Nice to see you again! Hiccup and the others are going to get surprised with your visit!!!" He yells in happiness as we hand shake. He waves at Trader Johan and gently places a hand on my back and starts to lead me to his house. He opens the door for me and gets inside.

"Sit, you're probably hungry," He orders as he gives me a chicken leg.

"So how's your family, huh?" He asks to start a conversation but I ended up to tear up a bit.

"Um, we had a shipwreck..." I stop when I see his sad eyes.

"They are nowhere to be found." I finally say.

"Oh..." He mutters as he sits down. Thinking.

"We will send out a ship to find them..." He decides. Even though how much I wanted that, I couldn't just let him do it... Why spend supplies to help only one person?

"Um Stoick, I don't think that is a good idea..." I try to explain but he silences me.

"No... We are going to do it. You are like a daughter to me. You remind me so much of Valka. I can't stand letting you be like this." He explains. When he mentions Valka, I felt like I was going to collapse.

"Why do I remind you of her?" I ask out of curiosity.

"I don't know... I guess it is because you and your family didn't want to kill dragons... Just like her..." I looked at him in the eyes and I saw his soft side for probably the first time.

"I see... I'm sorry for your lose... Even though it happened so long ago." I mutter sadly.

"Well, at least Valka gave me a gift before she 'left'... Hiccup." He answers with a grin.

I smile slowly at his comment. How sweet.

"He might be a handful but he has done great things for this place."

"I can see that," I answer with a small smile.

Used to be 379 words,
Now 893 words

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