Chapter Five- Vexi

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"Aww! It looks like just the way we left it." Astrid sighs as she climbs onto the a rock sofa. Which was a rock that had I similar shape to a sofa.

"I miss this place." I sigh as started to walk around.

Then I remembered there were vines that went up to a kind of bunck bed. There where like five of them. I climbed onto the one that was nearest to the rock sofa. I take off quiver and a rock and started sharpen the arrows. The bed was made out of wool, leaves, dirt, and wood. And we used vines to sew the bed together. These beds are all natural.

"These beds are still in a good shape." I yell down as I jump a little to prove a point. Ruffnut was fixing her hair while Astrid was sharpening her axe.

"So how was your farm life." Astrid suddenly asks. I slowly frown at the idea that I will most likely never see the farm again... I still remember that it took me then years to realize that the place wasn't as bad as I thought. I felt a year forming but I tried to not release it.I am A VIKING! VIKINGS DO NOT CRY.

"Um fun for the most part. It was really sunny and hot so we normally walked around barefoot." As soon as I answered she looks down at my barefoot feet.

"Are you sure you don't want a pair?" She asks laughing.

"Nah." I answer honestly. I jumped back down to see Ruffnut staring outside. I slowly start to walk up to her when Astrid noticed.

"What are you looking at..." Astrid was about to ask but stopped. I look outside to see that they where looking at Barf and Belch heads... They seemed to play a game to try and be higher than the other head.

"Okay then." As I turn around I then heard a rock fall from one of the beds. I quickly grab my bow and arrows and aimed. Astrid had her axe and Ruffnut had a stick.

"Stay back." I order queitly as I walked to the shadow. Then as I got closer I could see three figures in a dark shadow.

"Who are you?!" I am, still not dropping my bow.

"Uh hi."

Then I see the figures come out of the shadows and into the light. My eyes widened as I recognized the idiots.

"How dare you son of a half troll!" Astrid started yelling as she starts swinging the axe.

"Dont!" I yell as I replace the axe with a stick. Then she started swinging it at Tuffnut which seemed like 50 times then started wacking Snotlout. I looked at Ruffnut was banging a brown rock on Tuffnut's face. I turned around as I put my bow away to see Fishlegs scared in a corner.

"Wait, arent you a good one?!" I yell at him. Obviously scaring him.

"Um can you keep your dragon away from me..." I look down to find my tiny little dragon grawling at Fishlegs.

"Calm Star." I order as I see him relaxe then he climbs up my leg to my shoulder to hiss at him before sitting on my shoulder.

"Where's Hiccup?" I ask. Too nervous to speak, he points to the two dragon heads.

"Wait a second, you used him as a dragon babysitter?" I say in anger.

"Wasn't me it was Snotlout." He whispered in fear. I roll my eyes as I let him go.

"Fine I will let you go." I mutter.

"Um guys I knew that was a bad idea!" I hear Hiccup's voice coming from the entrance.

"You too!" I hear Astrid yell as she grabs her axe and starts running toward him. Toothless quickly ran infront of him proctecting him. I ran infront of her, isnt always a good idea when it comes to Astrid running with an are but I had no choice.

"Hey he didn't do anything! He is the dragon babysitter!" I yell infront of Toothless. She looks at me confused and pulles down the axe.

Hiccup slowly walks forward and starts looking around.

"Hey, this is a cool place to hang out." Hiccup speaks casually. That got me furious. That was the whole point about keeping it safe from the guys! I didn't even notice my shoulders tensed and I was clenching my fists.

Then I see Snotlout, obviously looked beaten, run up to Hiccup.

"Lets just go back home please. I had enough of these girls fighting over this." Snotlout wines but on the last part all the girls probably puked in their mouths. I sure did.

"Hey, um, Vexi, don't you think that this is a great place to hang out for all of us not just the girls?" Hiccup asks as he scratches the back of his neck.

"Don't ask me I am not the one who thought to make this place." I mutter as I lead him to Astrid.

"Fine, but only one thing though if you guys make mess, you guys clean it up." Astrid muttered as she climbed on Stormfly. I ran outside and I started feeding NightStar.

"You got your answer. Ruff are you going with Tuff?!" I ask as I get on NightStar because he was huge once again.

"Yes." She mutters as she starts walking towards Tuffnut.

"Um Vexi my dad told me to invite you for breakfast at our house." Hiccup yells. I smiled at the invitation. Sure why not?

"Okay I will be there in the morning!" I yell as NightStar flies up into the sky and skydives down towards the village.

"This is amazing!!!" I yell laughing. I was holding on for dear life. Everyone else was watching me being me. NightStar looked around and then looked at me with big pleading eyes.

"Go ahead show them what you are made of!!!" As I gave him permission he dived down as fast as I ever seen him go and I quickly got a hold of the saddle. I was smiling happily. He started spinning around into the air. This is life, I'm soo glad that I didn't drown at the ship... Well... Sure this was a huge thrill and all. But life does come to a end eventually...

Used to be 573 words,
Now 1059 words.

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