Chapter Sixteen- Vexi

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While Astrid stood there shocked, I grabbed her arm and started pulling her through the woods and with our luck, it started raining. I was holding back tears, my brain was getting too stressed out with all the conflict that was going on. First my ship crashing, then my parents go missing, then my shack goes up in flames, then NightStar ends up hurt and now this?

I was just in the academy with Fishlegs to help NightStar then out of no where, Heather is yelling at us to help her with a passed out Hiccup in Snotlout's arms. Snotlout took Hiccup to his place and Heather checked him for any bruises, and ordered Snotlout to find the twins, Fishlegs to get the dragons ready for fighting. And I was sent out to find Astrid.

After hitting the third tree, Astrid shoved me to the side, "Shouldn't I be showing you the way! I know the forest better than you!" I let her run past and I followed her without second thoughts.

"Before I forget! Who do you think caused the fire?" Astrid yells behind her.

"Is that really important right now?" I yell back trying to go through some branches. Her damn future boyfriend, I hope, is in trouble and all she can think about is about that stupid fire?

"Just answer me!" Astrid yells back as she ducks under a branch.

"I heard someone yell 'Burn her alive' and the next thing I knew there was fire everywhere!" Astrid stops roughly causing me to bump into her.


"Wait do you think Mildew did this?" She asks as we start running again.

"No, the voice wasn't old and cranky like Mildew's."

"Oh that's so surprising! Look what's been happening since you got here? You get burned into a crisp! Then Mildew is all working up the village and making them believe that you are working for the outcasts. Then Heather shows up and now this?!!!!" She seemed really upset in fact I think she was losing her mind. I sped up to her and tackled her down.

"VEXI GET OFF!" She struggles below me.

"Astrid listen to me, sure it's getting tough and all but you have to keep fighting. Hiccup is knocked out, you cant afford to lose him like I did with my parents alright? I am breaking in the inside, I try to shove the negative thoughts away, I need someone strong to help me through this. Please Astrid can you please calm down?" I get off her slowly to see her holding back tears and takes me in for a hug.

"I'm so sorry, Vexi, it's just so much going on, I didn't even get to fully calm down from my last fit." She lets go but I don't. I pat her back and let her go and nod at her and she nods back.

When we finally got to Hiccup's house, we were worried sick for Hiccup to the point that we just barged in. Astrid ran in first and I ran right behind her and we took off for the stairs. I heard Astrid gasp and I immediately saw that Heather was backing away from Hiccup. The next thing I knew, Astrid already had Heather on the ground.

"ASTRID GET OFF HER!" I grabbed onto her waist and pulled her off. Hiccup was still unconscious and Heather seemed like she was scared for her life

"How could you KISS him!!!!!!" Astrid was about to tackle Heather again until I grabbed her again. Heather took off for the corner of the room.

"I thought he was single." She replies with a small smile on her face.

I sighed loudly and I turn towards the two boy crazy females. "Heather go ask Stoick what to do, Astrid you stay with Hiccup I will get the gang."

"Shouldn't I stay with him?" Heather asked.

"NO! I don't trust you." Astrid answered roughly.

"Common both of you stop fighting and you are coming with me Heather. I'm starting to lose the friendliness with you." I started pushing her out the door and when I turn around to close the door, I saw Hiccup cough but still unconscious, Astrid then running towards him to make sure he was okay. I closed the door silently and started running with Heather following me.

"What's your problem!" I yell while running.

"Well I sort of like Hiccup and Hiccup clearly keeps forgetting about her when I show up." I roll my eyes and I point to the Great Hall where I think the chief should be.

"If he's in there tell him what happened."

"Wait wouldn't that be invading my privacy?" She asks rudely.

"Not the kiss!!! I mean about Hiccup getting hurt. Wait where are the dragons?"

"The dragons were fighting with my dragon except Toothless, then out of no where I heard Hiccup screech in pain and Toothless came after him."

"Even my dragon?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yes... You were too busy having a temper fight with yourself to even notice."

"Wait so what was the thing that they took?"

"Hiccup told me that what they took was precious to you and that he was keeping it safe for you before he knocked out." I sighed.

"Let me guess, was it a box?"

"I think so. Wait where are the outcasts?"

"They probably left already because they found what they wanted. We need that back as soon as possible."

"Why is it just precious to you?" Sadly she was getting on my nerves but she was just curious I can't really blame her.

"It's just precious to the family." I explained as we got closer to the Great Hall.

"So that means we have to get it?"

"It's not really special for ME! But it's one of the only few things I have left of my family's existence. It's a tradition that we kept alive for centuries! Heather!" She started backing away.

"So why did Hiccup have it then?!"

"Because it was part of the tradition!" I was seriously on my toes now, "You know what Heather? I don't need your help just tell the gang whats going on."

"Fine." She replies running towards Fishlegs' home. I walked into the Great Hall to see Stoick sitting alone with his face on his palms.


"Sorry Victoria. I tried to keep the village under control but instead you lost the one thing that was precious to your whole family." Stoick mutters under his breath.

"Wait so now they are gone?"

"Yes they left as soon as they got the box and when you took off to find Astrid. But don't worry I will find a way to get it back for you. It isn't fair for you."

"Stoick you know that your son was mine and my parents' choice right? He deserved it." He looked at me with happy eyes.

"I guess I raised a great son."

"But the thing is that he doesn't have it and he is badly hurt."

"What? Victoria don't play games with me."

"I am not joking they took it from him and hurt him. Toothless got there in time to scare them away." As soon as I said that he took off running to his, not so lovely anymore, home.


Used to have 754 words

Now is 1232 words

oh oh so cringe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2016 ⏰

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