Scandal. (Jiley fanfiction)

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1. An action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing general public outrage: "a bribery scandal"

2. The outrage or anger caused by such an action or event.

I changed their names because I make up stories to go along with their lives, so it's easier to picture when I don't use their real names. But here's the character list and celebrities used.

Messiah - Miley Cyrus

Jay- Justin Bieber

Pebbles- Ariana Grande

Lady- Demi Lovato

Morgan-Selena Gomez

Logan- Zac Efron

Asha- Vanessa Hudgens


Messiah's POV

Time was running out very quickly as I scribbled bullshit answers on my "Test."

I don't do well on tests, I hate the shits. I don't study nor do I listen in class so of course I don't know shit. I looked up to see if My best friend, Asha was done with her test. It looked as if she was hurriedly scribbling away as usual, like the know-it-all she is. I kept writing, faster and faster trying to fit as many words on the paper as I could. Then, the bell rang. FUCK! I mean one more second? I couldn't have one more fucking second? I groaned and stood up to hand Mr. Red my Pre- Calculus chapter test. I totally just fucked up. Again.

"Hey." Asha said walking up behind me almost scaring the stupid shit out of me.

"FUCKING HELL ASHA. Hi" I said with a displeased tone. We both began walking, it was now 5th period, our lunch hour.

"What? I couldn't have scared you, with your 'I'm big and bad ass' I mean, that look on your face almost scared me and I almost didn't come walk with you. What's the matter?"

"Fucking Red's calc test. Why the hell does he insist in making those damn tests so hard. It's not even possible to study math. Ugh I hate school."

"You need to calm down. You need help? Ask. I could help you, you're my best friend. Don't worry. I'm not good at a lot of those damn tests."

I looked at her and smiled. She's always trying to make me feel better. She's smart as hell when it comes to school. We walked past where both our lockers were located, down the hall and to the lunchroom. Bad idea. Morgan and all her wanna be bitches were waiting for Asha and I. I hated all of their asses, they irritated me with a passion.

I walked through the lunchroom, my feet quickly switching up as I hurried along. Asha scrambled trying to keep up with me.

"Yo Hudgens!" One guy from Morgan's clique, I think his name was Oliver, stood up and yelled directly at Asha. She turned quickly, facing the group head on. "Do you have a license to be that ugly?" He called again at her. She looked down at her shoes, she was very insecure already. But that's it that's when I stepped in.

"HEY GRIFFIN!" I called back at Oliver, watching his eyes shift from Asha to me. "DIDN'T YOUR PARENTS ASK YOU TO RUN AWAY FROM HOME? Thought I didn't hear about it? I heard them begging you all the way at my house. You have no room to criticize someone's looks you look like a undercooked price of shrimp. Stop while you're ahead, fag. What're you doing after school? Meeting up at Lucas' house to get that Thunder D? Yeah, thought so."

After I had spoken, everyone's eyes had opened and they turned to face Oliver. His face was a shade of bright red. Then he pushed himself away from the table he stood next to, and then proceeded to run off. After that, Morgan's whole group stopped gossiping and decided to leave the lunchroom.

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