chapter 9

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Against my will, I went up to the forensic science lab. The class was dark so I assumed Justin wasn't there yet. Justin was really changing me. I used to have no problem ditching classes, but since I've seen the way Justin's grades look, I've been inspired to step my shit up. As I walked in, I spotted a desk to sit at in the back of the class, and then a small light flashed on.

"You came!" his voice squeaked. I doubled back caught by surprise as he walked closer.

"No shit Sherlock, where do you get off popping up out of the dark?"

"Calm down, I'm sorry. You've got to relax."

Justin grabbed me by the waist as he sat up on a desk. His lips and mine found each other, and immediately I was hooked. His lips tasted like sweet rain, and his hands were like an adrenaline rush. I was angry though that he made me skip class when I easily could've came to his house tonight.

"I got you something," he said as he reached into his pocket.

He slipped this ring in my finger, and my eyes popped open. A ring? What?

"Justin," I said, I took the ring off.

"What? Don't overreact, at least let me explain what it means?"

"I'm listening," a smile appeared on my face as I slipped the ring back on.

"This ring symbolizes the love and respect I have for you as my best friend, someone I can trust, and someone I value. Messiah without you alot of things would be impossible, but through you I've learned that almost nothing is impossible. You taught me to be strong even in the most difficult of times, and for that I thank you wit this ring. You deserve all my love, and that's what you have... Even if it appears that Morgan gets most if it. I love you," he said and then kissed my hand as the bell rang.

"I love you too, Justin. So much, you're amazing. I never thought I'd say this because I've spent so much tie hating you... But that's because I didn't really know you."

I heard the hallways fill with kids, and I knew a bunch of freshmens used this class this period. I panicked.

"WE HAVE TO HIDE," I whispered just as the door was opening. I pulled Justin off the back of the class to the closet where they held the supplies. It was a small space, so My back rested on Justin's front as we were careful not to make any noise.

"Okay, class,today we will start out forensic science end of the year reports," the teacher said. The class clapped as the teacher continued. "Today we're going to the computer lab, but you know how strict they are about their printing paper, so Alexis can you go to the closet and get up a stack of printing paper?"

Oh shit, she's coming to the closet? I tried to make Justin scoot back, but it was no use. This supply closet was too small, and there was no way to disguise. Quickly, I tried to think of what to do. That's. when I sprung into action. I quickly gathered a stack of printing paper and sat it on the shelf neatly. Alexis opened the door, but didn't take a deep look because the paper was right in her face.

"Oh, I wonder if I can borrow a pen," I heard her say.

She came back and opened the closet. She saw me and her mouth dropped open. I'm a senior, I could scare this little bitch.

"Say one word to ANYONE about this, and ill make sure by the time you're a senior you'll want to be homeschooled all the way in Africa," I said and she nodded, closing the closet.

"Alexis, hurry we're leaving!" The teacher called.

"Coming!" She screamed back.

I gasped for air. That was close.

I looked down at the ring, and then back at Justin and I couldn't control myself for a second I just started kissing him, and rubbing my hands over him I needed to feel him to make sure it was real. I loved Justin.

When we left, we went downstairs out separate ways. All the walls were filled with Prom and graduation posters. I wasn't going to prom. The only person I wanted to go to prom with was Justin, and he has to go with Morgan.

I walked down the hallway, not paying attention to where I was going thinking about Justin, and I bumped into something hard.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you fall," a tall muscular boy said.

"No, it's no problem. Really," I looked up and died a million times. How do you spell hot?

"What's your name hot stuff?"

"Messiah, what's yours?"

"I'm Jasin."

"Hello, Jasin. Are you a new student?"

"No, I just came to bring my sister her keys," he smiled.

"Your sister?"

"Yes, Morgan Gomez.. Do you know her?"

What the hell. Since when does Morgan have a brother? A hot brother at that...?

"Yeah. Since when does Morgan have a brother?"

"Yeah, I'm only her half-brother. I'm a freshman in college,"

Whoaaaaaaaaaa. College?

"Well. See you later hot stuff," he said and then left as I looked down the hall to see Lady and Justin staring at me from opposite sides of the hallway. I scowled at them, and took myself to class. After school, I hung out with Asha and Pebbles at Dunkin' Donuts.

When I get home, Pebbles and I decide to go to sleep early so we can get up early in the morning to go to breakfast before school. I took a shower and washed my hair with my favorite shampoo. When I got out I hurriedly ran out of the bathroom, threw on pajamas and went to sleep.

"MESSIAH. WAKE UP," Pebbles shook me. It felt like I literally had five minutes of sleep. I checked my phone 5:30 AM . I jumped up.


"What happened to your hair?"

"What do you mean?"

I looked at my pillow, and lots of my hair was loaded onto my pillow.

I looked in the mirror, and my hair not only was gone.. But most of it was blue. What the fuck did I do?

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