Chapter 13

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This prom was the last place i wanted to be, laughing, dancing, enjoying life.... Because i wasn't enjoying life. i was miserable. this baby inside me was the only string that was attaching me to Jasin and it was a lifetime attachment. i walked out onto the dance floor with Jasin's hand in mine, and with this fake smile plastered onto my face. He smiled back, and bowed asking me, "May i have this dance?" i agreed even though i couldn't hear any music, i danced even though i couldn't feel my feet, and i laughed... even though the feelings inside me, weren't funny at all. this situation, wasn't funny at all. i created a fucking mess.

When i came from the bathroom i saw Lady just where i left her and i remembered that i was here with her. "I'm sorry, Lady, i just wanted to make sure-"

"Its fine Justin, i just want to have a nice time.." she said grabbing my hand and pulling me inside for a dance. She put her face in my neck and i could feel her smile.

the next thing i know, Morgan walks in. fashionably late was her thing. She was beautiful i give her that. she had this black dress, which was shear in different places, but covered all her private parts. she had wavy hair, and bright red lipstick. next to her was some kid, who ive seen round the school. he looked like a freshman. "Chris. please get me something to drink," she said placing her hand calmly on her shoulder as she looked around, spotting Lady and i. she walked towrds us, adressed Lady, and then pulled me away with her arms around my neck.

"Hi babe, how's prom treating you?"

"What do you want, Morgan?"

"Nothing but you babe..."

"Thats not on the menu, would you like to try something else?"

"Actually, what i want is ALWAYS on the menu, and if you keep resisting me...i PROMISE i will burn this restaurant until you can't serve anything but charred bacon."

"Charred bacon?"

she walked away to her date who returned with her drink, and i could see Messiah looking over to see what was going on..

This night... Was a disaster. I hated it.

Messiah (two weeks later)
prom was awful, and I do mean AWFUL. Morgan kept bothering Justin, Justin kept pushing her away.. And him and Lady just ended up leaving. Jasin made me stay until it was over so he could make sure Morgan was safe and I ended up helping one of my favorite teachers (who didn't teach any of my classes at all) clean up the balloons. After, Jasin and I went out. He ordered for me and said he was "looking out for his child's safety." He just wanted to control me. I get it.

Today is just another day of being pregnant. Pregnant. I don't even remember the sex and I'm pregnant. Jasin is always over here 24/7. My mom likes him so much.

"Where should I put this mommy,"

Jasin stood holding our brand new microwave, still in the box. Our old one "mysteriously caught on fire" and Jasin volunteered to buy us a new one.

"Right on the counter, honey." She said walking out of the kitchen. "Oh, and Jasin," she peeked back around the corner, "could you hook it up for us? Thanks." He nodded, and a creepy half smile was directed towards me. OOOOH JESUS he gives me the fucking creeps.


God what have I gotten myself into. Lady is definitely pregnant. She craves the most DISGUSTING SHIT. Chocolate covered cheese balls & shit. Then I gotta go get it cuz it's my damn baby. On graduation day, I had to get ready early so that I could go and get Lady. She was beautiful. But she is starting to get a tiny bump now, so you could kinda see it even when we arrived at school and she dressed in the royal blue cap and gown.

1,234 seniors in the graduating class. Each one arrived shortly after one another. The only one I seemed to pay attention to walking through the door was Messiah. And Jasin.

They were matching.

Messiah's dress was a nice wine color & Jasin wore a black tux with a wine colored bow and socks. He was spiffy.

But he kinda looked like me. I was glad I had on my cap and gown.

Ms. Jeffrey escorted Jasin to his seat, and Lady was in the bathroom checking her makeup. I pulled messiah aside.

"Hey," I said breathless

"Hey," she said. Her cheeks blushed so I knew she felt something.

"How you been?" I asked rubbing her arm.

"Good, so how's Lady?" She asked.

"So... This is it," I avoided the question.

"Can't believe how long it's been since the marijuana project. It seems like it was SO long ago. So much has happened..." She pointed at her belly.

"So it's really.."

"Jasin's? Yeah"

"Messiah. You know that's Morgans brother... Right"

"Yeah, so..."


"He what," she interrupted.

"He has a kid already, and he has multiple personality disorder..."

I could tell that she was mad as hell. The old Messiah was shown on her face. She was ready to break something.

"I'm so fucking stupid," she just gasped.

The music for the graduation entrance started to play. I hadn't attended any of the rehearsals...

"It's o-" Messiah rushed in line, her face hot red.

I saw Lady in her place in line. I didn't know where I was supposed to fucking be. I just jumped in somewhere.

The graduates entered, and the audience stood up clapping.

I guess I toned everything out until I heard my name for the third time.. "JUSTIN BIEBER," someone grabbed my arm and tossed me forward. I put on the fakest smile and looked backwards to see my mom.. She wasn't even here.. Even Messiah's mom was here.

I hopped on stage & shook everyone's hand..

Then, I just walked off the stage.

Out of the school.

END of the fucking graduation for me.

Fuck that stupid shit.

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