Chapter 8

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They don’t know that I’m everywhere, I see everything. I’m like God except I’m on earth. You better beg for my mercy when you sin against me, because I’m a very jealous individual. I play a lot a lot of things, but games is not one. Justin is my one love, and if he can’t feel the same, then oh well… but he’s mine. I emptied the blue die and hair remover into her shampoo bottle, as I hummed the Pretty Little Liars theme song. I mean, come on doesn’t it seem a bit ironic. I heard a noise, so I decided I had to bail. I screwed the top back onto the shampoo, and climbed out the window down the rope I used to get in. I ran further down the blood to my car. As I drove home I just grinned the whole way.

When I got to my house, I climbed out my black car, and had the butler close the door for me. Dale the butler was the best. Even though he isn’t as fortunate as I, he offered great advice, and so did my nurse/maid Rose. I didn’t talk to them about my plans of revenge, because they’d only try to talk me out of it. I want what I want, and that’s all.

“Well get out then!” my dad screamed at my mom, as I started towards the stairs. I stopped to listen a second.

“Richard! You’re so stubborn! You don’t ever want to compromise, it’s always whatever YOU want!”

“Exactly, and it’ll stay that way, if you don’t like it… Matter of fact,” He grabbed my mother by her hair, and tried to push her towards the door. My mother wasn’t at all weak, but all she did was fall to the floor. He didn’t let that stop him, he began to kick her, over, and over as she got closer to the door. Rose saw me staring and made me come upstairs.

“Oh, Well.” I said letting Rose get me ready for a bath.


At school, I was trying so hard to pay attention to the teachers, but I couldn’t concentrate.

Justin- I miss you, dork.

Messiah- I don’t miss you prick

Justin- Yeah right.

Messiah- I miss you too. I can’t take the separation any longer already.

Justin- I know but it’s only two more days, my mom will be leaving and you can stay over.

Messiah- wish I could see you now

Justin- You can

Messiah- Shut up. I am not skipping anymore.

Justin- Pleaaaase, I have a surprise for you. Meet me in the forensic science lab room 312 next period. Bye

Messiah- Justin WAIT

HUHHHHH. That’s his way to get me to do everything, by just saying bye which gives me no room to say no, and I can’t just stand him up of he’ll be angry with me.

“Miss Cyrus, do you know the answer?”

I froze, because honestly I had no clue what we were even talking about.

“Ummm, X is 4 and Y is 8.”

“Correct,” and the teacher turned back towards the board… that was a close call. I have no room for detentions.



Ryan wouldn’t stop kissing me, but I knew I really had to go. It was almost time for health class and he was set on making me miss that too. I don’t know how I never noticed that Ryan went to this school, but I’m glad I found out.

 Ryan started to roam between my thighs, causing me to get goosebumps. My blood ran cold as I realized what Ryan was trying to do.

“No, Ryan stop,” I said lifting his head up. He was ready to do something that I wasn’t ready to return, and I had to make sure he knew that too.

“What’s wrong,” he said still rubbing my leg. I gasped for air, and closed my eyes.

“You’re ready to eat me out, but I’m not ready to return-“

Right in the middle of my sentence, Ryan started to laugh. I looked at him confused.

“Who told you that you had to? This is something I want to do. I’m volunteering to do this, and I don’t want you to ever feel pressured or feel like I want something from you. If I did these two weeks we’ve been talking wouldn’t have happened.”


PAUSE. How do you feel about Morgan? Messiah and Justin?

Ryan? Pebbles…?

Do you think Ryan and Pebbles will develop into a stronger relationship?

Will pebbles let ryan do this, or deny it and wait for the right time?

I need feedback before I update. Comment and vote please . lol

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