chapter 5 : Confused

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I found myself once again entering Justin's house to finish the project. This time he was standing in the kitchen, just standing in front of the island.

"Justin?" I called out to see if He would respond. He didn't even turn his his head to look at me. "JUSTIN BIEBER." I called again, hoping that this time he would answer.he didn't, he just dropped the cup he was holding, and slid to the floor. Damn. He is really upset. I don't know why... His friends are dicks. I got down on all fours are crawled over to where Justin sat with his face in his hands. I could feel his body trembling as I eased myself closer. "What's wrong?" I asked in a gentle voice, I was starting to get back upset. "I'm confused, Messiah." He said raising his head, revealing his tear streaked face.

He was crying. I wrapped my arm around his neck, and held on to him so close. Honestly I was confused too. "I'm confused too, though." I said softly, causing him to look in my eyes. I wiped the tears from his face. And we both stood up. I could tell he was still upset, but he played it off. "Did you bring the stuff for the visual?" He asked, before sitting down at the island. "Yeah. Glue, tape, scissors, construction paper.. You name it I have it."

"You hungry?"

"Yeah, a little bit. But you don't have to make anything."

"I know I wasn't. You were."

"What the hell? This is your house!"

"But you're the girl."

"Are you sure about that?"

I laughed, but stopped quickly because Justin threw a spoon at me.

"What the fuck."

"Stop bullshitting."

"You're the one throwing spoons!"

"Shut up. What do you want to eat?"

"Ummm, do you have chicken?"

"Shit. That's all we got. You want chicken nuggets, chicken tenders, or grilled chicken sandwich?"

"Umm. Chicken nuggets."

Justin shuffled over to the freezer, and pulled out the food. I sat and began to take stuff out of my backpack for the project.

We ate, worked on the project a little but we couldn't stay on task. We finally ended up watching Scary Movie. The movie was so stupid, we both were in Justin's bedroom, on the floor Dying of laughter.

"Why were you so upset earlier." I asked, knowing that it couldn't be about his "friends."

"Because. Morgan's going to make my life a living hell now."

"Why. Are. You. With. Her? I understand she pays your bills and all, but dude. Just do loans or something already."

"It's not just her. Alright? There's more to the story. My mom, my dad, my future. If I stop this... Everything will come crashing down."

"How did this happen. Not the Morgan thing. The US thing."

"What us thing?"

"You know what us thing, Justin."

"No, I don't."

His eyes were the perfect shade of brown, his lips were made for mine. I just wanted to be held by him. What? Justin Bieber? The one that... I HATE? Excuse me? Something has to be wrong with my brain. I am so confused. It's not even a joke. I'm seriously, confused.

I grabbed Justin's face in my hands, and pulled his lips to mines. Our bodies pulled towards each other like magnets. It felt like a piece to a puzzle I've been missing. We stood up, together, and made our way to Justin's bed. Pieces of clothing collapsed to the floor, as we caressed each other. Our bodies collided, and Justin's lips came in contact with my skin.

"JUSTIN? Open this door! NOW." Morgan's voice echoed from outside. She knocked harder. "JUSTIN DREW BIEBER. You have 10 seconds to open this fucking door."

"Shit." Justin cursed, hopping off of me and throwing on layers of clothes. Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, as he hurried to help dress me. "COMING." He yelled as he ran down the stairs.

I am not the run and hide type. I just stood there and waited. "What, the fuck. Took you so long to open the door." Morgan's voice rang through the house.


"I was busy."

"Busy doing WHAT."

"Ummm, my project."

"My HEALTH project. Seems like you would know, since you're in my fucking Health class."

"Wait. The health project? The health project that involves, Partners?"

"Yeah. What about it."

Morgan turned to face the island, and I remembered that She left her backpack... And my purse on the island.

"Is that lame bitch here, Justin?"

"What? Babe, no. Just you."

"Are you lying?" Her teeth were clenched.

"Morgan. No one is here."

"Whose shit is that?" The nodded towards the island.

"I don't know. That's my moms shit. I guess, I don't know."

"So where is your mom?"

"She's not here. She went to the store."

Morgan's heels clanked as the walked to the sink. He grabbed a cup, and got herself some water. She drank a little, and then walked towards the island.

"Justin. You and I both know, Messiah is in this house," she said before opening the backpack."Tell me the fucking truth." She said. Her jaws clenched, and her eyebrows raised. My lip quivered. Seriously, she's my parter for fucks sake. Of course she's going to be here. 

Why is she acting like this?

"Seriously? I don't give a fuck anymore," she took the cup and dumped the water in the bag. Then grabbed her car keys, and left.

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