Chapter 10

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I know that my shampoo didn’t turn my hair blue, but apparently something did. It was kinda cool now. I had short hair that I could throw into a bun. I would have to worry about the blue later. Pebbles wouldn’t stop giggling, saying “How cool is your hair, how did it get so soft?” she wasn’t convinced that I didn’t sabotage my own hair, but I didn’t care. My mom reminded me how horrible it looked, and I just gave her the finger, of course her drunken ass looked waaaaayyy worse than I did.

Pebbles and I decided to skip school. We went to breakfast as we originally planned, then we decided to go shopping for Pebbles’ prom dress. I could tell you that Pebbles is a little, picky, giggly, girly, psychopath but you wouldn’t believe me.

“Pebbles get that pink dress,” I pointed towards a cute, short, dress that fit her perfectly.

“No, it’s too.. Me. I wanna go all out for prom!” she whined. I groaned, and sat back on the bench, tired.

I got a text.

Justin: Where r you? :p

Messiah: Where r you?

Justin: Seriously, you freak. Where r you?

Messiah: at a prom store.

Justin: Thank, God.

Messiah: Why?

Justin: I thought I was going to have to ask you. So what does your dress look like?

Messiah: I’m only shopping for Pebbles’ prom dress, I’m not going to prom.

Justin: Messiah, you dork. Why would you not go to prom?

Messiah: Cause you dick. You’re going with Morgan!

Justin: So what, you’re also going.

Messiah: No. I’m not.

Justin: -__- you suck.

Messiah: Crybaby.

Justin: Cameltoe.

Messiah: WHAT? Since when…!

Justin: Lmaooo Gotchaaaaaaa.

Messiah: ;( bye Justin.

Justin: Baby wait J


Messiah stopped texting me, and Morgan and I were in the cafeteria for lunch. She was talking with her mouth full. Her voice was screechy as shit, I really wanted her to shut up.

“And my dress is pink, so buy me a Rosemary corsage… or a white lily would go perfect with my shoes…” she waved her hands in front of my face because I promise you, I was NOT listening. I was trying to think of ways to get Messiah to go to prom. After lunch, Morgan and I didn’t really have that many classes together, and I had two free periods next, so I went to the library where it was nice and quiet.

After a long time debating, I decided that I was going to have to let Messiah bring someone else to prom with her, but she’d be my secret date. It’s perfect, that way we can still take a prom picture together and we can still see each other at prom. I don’t want her to miss out on her last prom, because I’m an asshole who can’t break up with his slut ass girlfriend. Either way, whether she likes it or not. She’s going to prom.


“I found it!” I screeched, as I grabbed the Beautiful blue dress that was soon to be mine, and showed Messiah.

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