Chapter 2 : Progress

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"Lady, I just don't understand. How did I get paired up with Jay? My name is Messiah, his is Justin."  

Lady turned to look me with a 'its not so bad' look.  

"Fey didn't use alphabetical order. She used fate."

I looked at her and rolled my eyes, she looked back down trying to concentrate on the Black polish she was layering onto my nails. I only wear black or silver. Nothing to vibrant, unless I'm in the vibrant type of mood which was not often.

"Lady. What time is it?" I asked since I couldn't check my phone.

"8:00." Then she went back to layering my pinky with the black polish. I sat back for a second. WAIT, 8:00!

"FUCK! Help me get my shit together I'm supposed to be working on this project with Justin right now."

"Really ? I thought you said 8:30." That's when I remembered Lady was dislexic.

"Nope, 7:30."

She hurriedly stuffed shit in my bag and drove me the four blocks to Justin's house. Ugh I don't want to go .

"Lady ! I don't want to go!" I screeched.

"I know, but you need to. You need a good grade on this project. This is senior year, and if you don't pass this you may as well not count on going to any colleges, because you don't study, you don't do homework, ive never seen you do cla-"

"Alright alright. I'm going." I opened the door and made my way to Justin's porch. A light quickly snapped on almost blinding me. I knocked. No answer. I knocked harder. No answer. I prepared to knock again when the door swung open.

"You have no type of manners, Messiah. You come late as fuck then you won't be patient enough to let me answer the door? Fuck you rude psychopath."

"Whatever. Sorry for being late." I walked in without waiting for Justin to invite me.

"Rude as hell." He whispered under his breath. I looked around. He had a beautiful house, it was big and spacey. It also had a lot of fragile things. I should be careful in here.

"Come on. Lets go upstairs to do this shit." He said leading me up a twisty staircase that seemed to go on forever.

He led me to his room, that had Justin spray painted on the door, and lots of pictures of guitars. He opened the door, to a huge room that had a balcony and a closet that was like 5 walk in closets put together.

He walked over to his bed, and plopped down. There were about ten guitars on stands in his room. He must really love guitars.

"Messiah. You can sit here." He pointed to a huge plush chair that rested against the same wall as he bed.

I sat down and opened my backpack.

"So, do you know which topic we have?"

He shook his head, and I pulled out my health binder which contained the packet Fey had given us.

"We have number..."


"2." I searched the packet. Fuck fey didn't have any type of order when it came to lists and partners. She just listed numbers anywhere. How did she keep up with life. "We have either Legalization of Marijuana or Sex. Sex is a pretty broad topic, I mean whichever you want to do is fine. I'm just saying." I absolutely loathed this project. Fey was determined to turn our lives into a living hell.

"Let's do Marijuana." Jay spoke after five minutes.

"You sure?"

"Do I look like an idiot? Yes I'm fucking sure."

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