Peaches Brownie and Partners

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Italics= Flashback

Alison's POV

I yawn as I walk downstairs to see my sister CeCe, my brothers Jason and Charles and my twin Courtney sitting on our couches and watching tv.

"Court, c'mon. We've got our first day of school." I say through another yawn.

Courtney smirks. "That's Why I got up an hour ago, lazy."

I roll my eyes and go back upstairs and into my room.

I walk over to Peaches's (don't laugh at the name) crib and look down, grinning to see the two-year-old awake and smiling up at me. I had her when I was sixteen.


I pick her up and cuddle her. "Alright now Mama has to go to school so you're gonna stay with Aunt Ce! How does that sound?"

Peaches grins. "Goo!" She says, dropping of the 'd' on the word 'good' like she always does.

"I love you!" I say as I sit her on the bed and start getting dressed.

"I luh yu too, Mommy!"

Finally I hand her off to CeCe and get in my car, starting off to school.

When I enter Rosewood High it looks just like my last school. There's the same horny couples making out against the lockers, the same girl groups gossiping about other girls and the same dumb jocks yelling and passing a football around.

There is only one difference. In this school no one knows about me. No one knows about Peaches and no one knows about my past which had been all over local TV in my old town. That's why we moved away.

As I walk down the hallway all eyes are on me. The guys whistle and cat call. I roll my eyes. They think the world is their playground and they can just call out to any girl. They think it's a compliment, but it's not.

I go to my new locker and look down at the slip of paper with the combo. I enter it and open my locker in seconds.

I shove my books in when suddenly I hear whispering to my right. I wouldn't pay attention except I hear the words "new girl" which is directed at me.

A few wisps of my blonde hair fall from my bun onto the nape of my neck as I turn to look. There is a tall brunette girl, a short brunette girl and a blonde girl. Then there's another brunette with tan skin. She's hot and I can tell that she's the leader and the queen bee of the school.

"Can I help you?" I say in a bored voice.

"We're just wondering who you are, blondie." The tan brunette sneers.

I roll my eyes. I used to be a queen bee too. I can be a bitch too. I smile sweetly. "None of your fucking business." Then I turn back to my locker.

"Oh so blondie has a backbone?"

I look back to see the leader with her eyebrow raised.

My eyes roll almost involuntarily. It's a reflex. "Fuck you, brownie." I sass back.

"Hey don't take it personally." She holds up her arms in defense. "I just wanna know where the hot little piece of ass in front of me came from."

Her gang snickers.

I'm completely taken aback by that comment. I wasn't expecting it.

"So I have you speechless now, do I?" She smirks.

"Ugh." I roll my eyes and slam my locker shut, walking to first period which is English with Mr. Fitz. Whoever that is.

His name kind of sounds like he'd be one of those young, hot teachers that falls in love with a student on those nighttime soap operas I watched while I was pregnant.

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