Winter Break, Searching and Family

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Emily's POV

I lay Ali down in her bed gently and pull the covers up over her. I go to sit on her chair when her small voice stops me.

"Em?" She asks softly.


"C-Could you lay with me? And hold me? P-Please?"

I smile and go to the bed, getting under the covers with her and spooning her. We lay like that for a while until finally she turns to face me. "Where's Peaches?" She whispers.

"Courtney and CeCe came to take her out early this morning." I answer. "Before um... before A, y'know."

Ali lays there staring at me for a while. Her gorgeous sapphire eyes are glossy. "I was so scared, Em. I thought... I thought that maybe everything from when I moved here was a dream and maybe I was back in my home town with my dad. Maybe he locked me in the cabinet again. Or-or maybe I was back there and pregnant with Peaches  alone and I thought maybe I never really met you. That was the scariest part." Tears trickle down her cheeks.

I bring my thumb up to wipe them away. "Hey, hey it's okay. I won't let that happen again. I love you. So much. And I love Peaches." I roll over on top of her and move down to her belly. "And I love this baby." I kiss her belly.

"Emily?" She asks shyly.

I look up at her. "Yeah?"

"W-Would you mind if um... well I mean you already wanna help me raise the baby right?"

"Yeah." I say, moving back up to her. I rest one hand on her belly and use the other hand to brush the hair away from her cheek with the other.

"Well what if the uh... what if this baby calls you their mom also? Like they think of us as their two moms. Y-You don't have to if you don't want to. I mean I probably shouldn't have asked I bet you think that's weird, don't you? Never mind I-"

"Ali." I interrupt her. "I would love to be the baby's mom."

"Really?" Her eyes go wide with delight.

"Really." I kiss her gently and softly for a few seconds. "I love you so much." I breathe against her lips.

"I love you too. And thank you for saving me today."

"I will always save you." I assure her.


"It's winter break, babe!" I cheer, lifting Ali into the air and spinning her around as we exit the school. "Christmas, Christmas, Christmas!"

"Em, put me down!" She squeals.

"Never!" I throw her over my shoulder and then toss her into my car once we get to it. "In you go!"

For Christmas my parents can't make it back from Texas. So Ali offered for me to spend Christmas with her and her siblings and mom to which I accepted. I'm really excited too. I was so disappointed that my parents couldn't come because I absolutely love Christmas, but now I'm happy again. Aria and Spencer and Hanna and Caleb will come over with their families in the late morning as well. Ali's house is so big we all just decided to have Christmas together. This will be the best Christmas ever. I'm going to start staying with her today.

"So are you excited to stay with us?" Ali asks.

I nod. "Very!"

Ali's phone chimes. She picks it up and reads it silently. Her eyes widen.


She reads it out loud to me.

Two little liars under one
roof? You're making this
so easy.

- A

I reach over and put one hand protectively over her's as we drive. "Don't worry." I say. "I'm not letting that bitch hurt you."

"Em..." She says.


"I think we should go back to looking for who A is."

My eyes widen and I almost swerve off the road.

"Em, look out!" Ali yells, holding her belly.

I regain composure. "Ali, are you out of your mind?! A could hurt you again! I'm not taking the risk!"

The blonde sighs. "Emily, A could hurt me or any of us anyways. Besides I'm tired of being afraid that A is going to use my secrets against me. A keeps threatening me and the other day they almost ran Spencer and Aria over! And now that they're together A is threatening to tell Spencer's parents. This is going too far and we need to find them."

I sigh as we pull up to Ali's house. "Alright."

Alison's POV

"Alright so you have no idea who this person could be?" Caleb, Hanna's boyfriend asks.

"Nope." I say.

We're all gathered at my house around Caleb on his laptop. We told him because he seems like he could help us.

I hold Peaches in my arms. "Guys we need to figure this out fast because-"

"Christmas is coming." They all finish for me. It's the same fear we've all been voicing. I guess no one wants to think about being afraid on Christmas.

Aria comes upstairs with one of my big boxes of Christmas decorations and Hanna follows with another. I set Peaches down and start to go to get another but Emily stops me by putting a hand on my arm.

"The doctor said no heavy lifting, babe."

I roll my eyes. "I know, I know. Guys why don't you take a break from A hunting so we can decorate and be happy for a second?"

Caleb closes the laptop and they all agree.

I put on the Christmas station and we all laugh and talk as snow begins falling outside. We all put on Santa hats.

Spencer, Emily and Caleb start to bring in the tree and set up the heavier decorations while Aria and Hanna set up some of the lighter ones. Peaches and I begin to bake some cookies. I do the baking and she does the frosting and sprinkles. I want to help with decorating but Emily of course thinks that three pounds is too heavy so she says only putting ornaments on the tree is okay.

"Hey, Em look at this one." I laugh, showing her an ornament of two penguins together. "Like Pingy and Wingy."

"I set them up outside." She tells me. "And Snowy. We better go make sure it's straightened perfectly." She stresses.

"It's fine." I laugh.

"What is wrong with her?" Caleb asks.

"Read her boobs, the girl loves Christmas." Hanna says, referring to Emily's Christmas shirt and we all chuckle.

"I'm the only one that gets to read her boobs! They're mine!" I playfully yell.

"And your boobs are mine." Emily smirks, licking her lips. "And they're getting bigger."

"Em!" I smack her arm.

"It's true!" She defends.

Spencer scoffs. "You two are disgusting." She laughs.

"So you don't wanna read my boobs, Spence?" Aria asks.

Spencer's eyes go wide. "Well I wouldn't mind that."

"Am I the only one not getting this?" Caleb asks.

"Yep." Hanna laughs, kissing him gently on the cheek.

"I no get it eithew." Peaches exclaims.

We all laugh and go back to decorating the tree.

AN: So next chapter shall be Christmas and jolly and all that jazz. And then bad things will happen and I'll laugh maniacally. So MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Like Rico you know? Hannah Montana? Sí? Anyway I'm so bored cause I'm home sick so I'm updating a lot. Bye.

- G. Schreiber

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Vine: Gretaschreib

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