Betrayal Comfort and Advice

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Alison's POV

My heart thuds in my chest and my voice is quiet. "What?"

"I've been helping A. But hear me out, okay? I-"

"HOW COULD YOU?!" I scream, tears leaking from my eyes.

Peaches starts to cry. "Mommy!" She says. "Why yelling?"

I kneel in front of her, still holding Paisley tight to her. Tears are streaming down my face. "Peaches, listen. Mommy loves you. We have to go to Aunty Hanna now. Can you get in the car and stay with Mommy?"

Peaches nods and hugs me.

I start to make my way to the door as quick as possible. I won't let it show for Peaches's sake, but I'm petrified. If Emily is A or helping A she could be dangerous.

"Alison!" Emily cries. "Please, you can't do this! I love them and Paisley is my daughter too!"

I whip around, trying not to look scared, though I know my fear is showing through my expression. "You stay away from us, Emily Fields! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!"


"Alison! What's wrong?!" Hanna cries as I rush through the doorway, holding Paisley tightly and clutching Peaches at my side, tears running down both my cheeks. "Where's Emily?"

"Emily is..." I begin to sob. "A."

"WHAT?" Hanna cries. "Wait, what?!" I can hear her heart breaking in her voice. She feels almost as much betrayal as I do. "That can't be true!"

"Well she's at least helping A!" I say. "She told me."

Hanna hugs me tightly and helps me over to a chair. Paisley is still hugged tight in my arms.

I lean down to Peaches. "You wanna go watch cartoons in the family room?"

She nods and I wipe her fresh tears away. "Everything is gonna be okay, baby. I promise."

She runs into Hanna's living room and turns on the tv.

I turn back to Hanna. "I can't believe she would do this to us. To me. To our children!"

Hanna shakes her head. "This can't be true. There must be some explanation. Did you give her a chance to explain?"

"No. I just left." I admit. "But she told me she's been helping A."

Hanna sighs. "I'm talking to her. I'm figuring this out."

I shrug. "As long as I can stay here."

Emily's POV

A knock at the door sounds and my head shoots up. "Ali?!" I guess, desperate for it to be her. I open the door and it isn't her, but Hanna.

"Hanna..." I say confusedly.

She pushes past me and inside then turns to face me, crossing her arms. "What the hell, Emily?"

I close the door. "There is an explanation. I swear!" I'm desperate for someone to believe me.

"Well?" She raises and eyebrow. "Go ahead. Make your excuse."

"A forced me. They said if I helped no real harm would come to any of you." Tears leak from my eyes. "But if I didn't... They said they'd kill you all. My parents, Spencer, Aria, you. All our friends. And even Alison. Even Peaches. Even my baby. I had to."

She sighs.  "Okay. I believe you. But you're going to have to explain this to Ali. She'll come down here."

I smile. "Alright."

Hanna leaves and I sit, waiting for Ali.

The door suddenly bangs open and in walks... A.

"You!" I say, standing.

"I warned you, Emily." They say. This time it's their real voice. It sounds so familiar...

"I won't let you hurt them!" I yell.

"Oh I know." They chuckle.

So familiar! Who is it?

"That's why I need to get rid of you first."

That's when I recognize the voice. And I realize who it is. I gasp. "You're-" But before I can finish my sentence and identify them, something smashes into my head and the world goes dark.

AN: Cliff hanger!!!!!!!!!11!1!1! So yeah they are really close to knowing who A is. Emily recognized the voice, but the rest of them might not be able to. Emily is and/or was the closest to them *HINT HINT* so she's pretty much the only one who could recognize it. But guess what? Help will come in the next chapter from a very unlikely source. And now I feel like Marlene.

- G. Schreiber

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