Lairs, Crows and A Chase

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Emily's POV

Hanna, Caleb, Aria, Spencer, Alison and I step out of our car and look around. Ravenswood is creepy. It's so empty and everyone seems to be frowning. There are no bright colors anywhere. It's all just black and gray and dull and drab. Crows caw in the background, adding to the eerie atmosphere of the town.

"Is it just me or is this really freaky?" Hanna asks with a furrow in her brow as she walks alongside us, clutching Caleb tighter.

"No it's really freaky." Ali gives a dry chuckle. 

"So where's this lair you guys supposedly found?" Aria asks Caleb, Spencer and I.

"It's on Miller Lane." I answer. "This way."

We walk down the street and huddle together as the people stare at us. Unfriendly, scowling stares, like they don't want us to be here. At any given moment I'm expecting a tumbleweed to roll across the street.

Finally we come to a little abandoned shop. It's narrow, but tall and dark and empty. The perfect place to hide something.

We enter and it's so cold inside. It's not even cold outside, but in here it's practically freezing. I feel Ali clutch my arm tightly. I don't know if it's out of fear or if it's just because it's so freaking cold in here. Either way I clutch her right back.

"Guys," Hanna whispers. "What if there's, like, an axe murderer or a zombie or something waiting for us up there?"

"Shut up, Hanna." We all whisper back.

We get up the stairs and all of us gasp at what we see.

In the room the walls are covered in stalker-esque pictures of Alison. There are ones of her far away, up close, while she's sleeping. Some are so up close it's just her eye or mouth.

"Oh my god." She whispers in a scared and shaky voice and I squeeze her hand.

There's some pictures of us on a desk, but the rest are her. There's a small closet with a bunch of black hoodies and a dollhouse with dolls that look eerily exactly like the five of us. There's a shelf with all of Ali's diaries on it and there's a stack of newspaper and magazine articles from her hometown about her father's death. There's a huge web on a bulliten board on the wall with pictures of all of us and our friends, family, acquaintances and sticky notes about what connects all of us. There's even a timeline from when Ali was born to this day.

"Holy shit..." Hanna breathes. "A is tracking us. All of us. Look at this! They're a stalker bitch!"

Spencer nods. "I know. But everyone spread out and start looking for something that could give us a clue as to who the hell is doing this to us. Got it?"

We nod.

"Okay, go."

Alison goes straight to her diaries. I guess she doesn't want anyone else to read them. "How the hell did A even get these?" She asks. "They were all in a big box together so I guess I just assumed that I lost them. That they were in my basement or something. Freaky."

I nod and go to the closet full of hoodies. They all have different letters on the tag, like they're for different people. "Guys." I wave them over and they look. "Look at this. They're all for a different person. There's a whole team... A group of people."

Ali looks at one that's on the wall. "But that's probably the leader's or something. These others are most likely just worker bees for their queen... or king."

"Well what does the tag say? What letter?"

I go up and look, my eyes widen.

"What?" Ali asks.

On the tag is written a message that I read out loud to them.

Nice try, bitches

- A

"A knows." I say. "A knows that we were planning to come here. They set us up. They totally set us up!"

"Got that right." A computerized disguised voice says.

We whip around to see a person in the same black hoodie and mask as always. It's A. They've been waiting for us.

"Run!" Caleb yells.

We start for the exit when suddenly I hear a scream. I turn and see Ali stuck. A has her by the wrist.

"ALISON!" I scream.

We turn around and I kick A in the stomach. They let Alison go and she runs, we all follow straight after her. A is chasing us.

"Wait!" Spencer yells. "It's six against one! Let's just overpower the bitch!"

We turn and run towards A this time. Then suddenly the figure pulls out a gun.

Alison's POV

A pulls out a gun and points it straight at me. "Don't move, bitches." The voice says. "You're my favorite doll, Ali. Come with me and no one has to die."

Emily steps forward and A cocks the gun. "DON'T MOVE! If any of you take one step I swear to god I will shoot this bitch right in her perfect little face!"

She steps back, hands up.

I whimper and slowly step forward. "Okay... Okay I'll come with you."

"Ali, no!" Emily yells.

"Don't go with them!" Aria adds.

I look back at them, tears in my eyes. "I have to. I won't let any of you get hurt. I'm sorry. I love you guys so much."

I take another step when I hear Emily yell, "NO!" And she suddenly races forward and kicks the gun from A's grasp before any of us can even process what happened. She grabs the gun and points it at A. "Step down, bitch. I'm the one with the power now."

A turns and runs off.

Emily drops the gun and we run to the car, more than ready to go home even though we're nowhere near knowing who A is.

AN: So they failed. They always fail in the show so duh they're gonna fail in here too. I have big big plans guys. MWAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHHHAHAHHAHAHAHA! Now I'm watching Bring It On: In It To Win It which Ashley was in. I loved that movie when I was a kid so again, I'm just revisiting my childhood. Next chapter I'm gonna skip to graduation which will be in late May. Also wattpad is so annoying. I put it on italics and then I took it off but it keeps fucking doing italics!

- G. Schreiber

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