Epilogue- Questions, Love and Endings

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I figured I was actually at a good spot to end this tbh. Also this is really short because yeah deal with it.

One year later.

Emily's POV

"Babe!" I hear Alison call out my name from the other room.

"Yeah?" I call back.

She enters our room, holding Paisley on her hip. "Where are you going?"

I look down. "Um..." I quickly think of a lie. "I'm just getting lunch with Hanna."

Alison furrows her brow. "Okay..."

I kiss her on the cheek tenderly. "I'll be back, my love."

She smiles and goes back to whatever she was doing.


I pull up to the little jewelry shop and walk inside.

A petite red-head walks up to me. "Can I help you, Miss?"

I smile. "I'm looking for an engagement ring."

Alison's POV

"I'm home!" Emily's voice echoes throughout our apartment.

"Hi, babe." I smile as I greet her by the door.

"So I got Hanna to watch the kids tonight. I wanna take you out."

I giggle as she wraps her arms around my waist and pulls me in close. "Okay."

"So put on your sexiest dress." She whispers in my ear.


"I love this place!" I chime as we sit at our table. "They have the best food!"

Emily smiles at me in adoration.

We chat and order our food. Once it arrives Emily gets a strange look on her face.



"There's something I need to say."

She sounds nervous and my heart begins to pound. "Okay..."

"Ever since I first met you, I've known you were the one for me. You've been through so much and you are the strongest person in the entire universe. I hurt you and you forgave me. You put up with me. You saved me! I can't think of what my life would be like without you. And I don't ever want to. So..."

I gasped as she stood from her seat. My eyes were wide as she got down on one knee and pulled a velvet box out of her pocket.

"Alison Lauren DiLaurentis..." She opened the box, revealing a gorgeous diamond ring. "Will you marry me?"

Tears streamed down my face and I jumped up. "YES!" I grasped her face and pulled her lips up to meet mine as the restaurant cheered.

Her hands wrapped around my waist as we shared the moment. Together. The way it would always be from then on.

AN: so there you go! I really have enjoyed writing this story. I'm sorry if you guys wanted it to continue, but if I tried to drag it out it would honestly suck. Thank you guys for reading this❤️

- G. Schreiber

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