Deppression, Dinner and The Truth

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Alison's POV

It's been two weeks and I've become a ghost. A mere shell of the girl I used to be.

Without Emily I wander the halls at school lost and alone. I never talk in class and if I eat lunch I eat it in the library, all the way in the back, hidden.

Everyone hates me. Now that word has gotten round about our breakup, it's open season on me. Emily and her friends aren't there to protect me anymore and everyone knows I'm pregnant again.

Paige has been the worst. I avoid her at all costs.

She doesn't physically harm me-- I guess being pregnant has its perks --but the verbal abuse is bad enough.

Emily is usually there when it happens. She doesn't join in on the laughing, but she just sits there and watches and doesn't help me.

I've run into her numerous times in the bathroom when I'm crying my eyes out and breaking down. She just ignores me or walks away.

She doesn't care about me anymore.

"Mommy?" I hear a tiny voice say.

I look at the foot of the bed and see Peaches wringing her hands nervously. The now two year old looks incredibly sad.

"Yeah, baby?"

"Is you okay?" She whispers.

I sniffle and wipe my eyes. "No baby."

"Why is you sad?"

I motion for her to come up on the bed and she climbs over and snuggles into me. I wrap my arms around her.

"Remember Emily?"

Peaches smiles. "I wike Emiwy."

"I love her." I choke.

"She wove you back?"

"She did." A tear trickles down my cheeks.

Peaches furrows her brow. "Then why you cwying? Was you happy?"

"I was." I wipe my eyes. "I was for a long time but now that your sibling is on the way Emily is mad at me."

"But you said she woved you?"

"She did." I wipe my eyes again. "Just not enough. And not anymore."

The toddler turns in my arms and puts her arms around my neck in a hug. "I stiwl wove you mommy."

"I know." I muster a smile. "I love you too baby girl."


A few hours later Peaches is napping beside me peacefully

"Ali." CeCe whispers, coming into my room. She sits beside me on my bed. "How ya holding up?"

I turn away from her, clutching my small baby bump. "I don't feel like talking about it. Can you please just leave me alone." I whisper back.

CeCe sighs. "Ali it's been weeks since you guys broke up."

My bottom lip quivers. "I can't help it."

"I know honey." She says, rubbing my back. "What can we do to help? We just wanna help."

I shake my head and wipe my eyes. "There's nothing you can do. Any of you." I sit up. "I'll come eat dinner though. If it makes you happy."

CeCe smiles and takes my hand, leading me down the stairs and into the dining room where food is on the table.

"I'll get Peaches." Courtney says. She comes down a minute later with the groggy little girl.

We are in the middle of dinner and I actually feel okay. I manage to laugh and smile.

Suddenly my cell phone chimes.

My eyes widen when I see Emily's contact flash on the screen. There's a text from her that reads:

You have some of my stuff. I want it back. Put it on your porch and I'll come by and get it.

Just seeing it makes me burst into tears.

CeCe leans over and reads the text. Her expression hardens. "I'm gonna kill that bitch."

"No! CeCe don't!" I cry. Unlike Courtney, CeCe is just as badass as Emily and could actually hurt her.

She stands up and stalks over to the door. "She can't do this to you Ali." And she's out that door.

Emily's POV

I walk out of The Brew. She shift just finished.

Suddenly I see CeCe racing up to me. She looks pissed.

"CeCe? What're you-"

I feel a sharp pain explode in my face and hold my jaw, realizing she just punched me.

"What the fuck, DiLaurentis?!"

"I thought you were good for her! After all she's been through I actually thought you could help her!"

I scoff. "Are you really trying to make this my fault? Are you really trying to make her cheating ass seem like the victim?"

I feel the same pain as CeCe slugs me again.

"You don't know anything!" She screams. "About her life or what she's been through!"

"I don't care." I shrug. "Whatever she's been through doesn't change the fact that she cheated on me."

"You don't know what happened." CeCe spits. "You think you know everything don't you? You think you're hot stuff, huh? Well I couldn't give a damn until it hurt my sister!"

"She fucking hurt me CeCe! Why don't you get that!?

"Because she didn't cheat on you, Emily!"

"CeCe I'm not a fucking idiot. You can't get pregnant unless you sleep with a guy. I'm no guy!"

"But she didn't! She-"

"No more excuses!" I rage. "I don't need to hear you try and defend her! She's a-"


My heart stops in my chest. "W-what?"

"Dominic came back." She says angrily. "He raped her."

My eyes widen even more and I feel my heart break for what Ali went through. I look to the side guiltily. (AN: The gif at the top is what this paragraph looks like.)

"And you didn't even let her explain. You fucking broke her. And she's easy to break, believe me. I think it's time to tell you about our dearest father."

I furrow my brow.

"Sit, Fields." She points to the curb. "It'll be a lot to take in and you'll feel like the load of crap you are afterwards."

About fifteen minutes later I sit staring into the street.

"She's been so fragile ever since the night it happened. The fact that she was the one to pull the trigger made it worse for her. She always felt like it was her fault, like she was worthless."

"But it was self defense."

"That doesn't matter to her. She feels like a murderer. Dominic made her feel special and loved. That's why she made the mistake of opening up to him. And she was only more broken after he left her. I thought you could fix that. Help her. But I was wrong."

I put my head in my hands. "I'm such a fucking idiot."

"Yeah. You are."

"I'm so sorry CeCe."

"I'm not the one you need to be saying that to."

I stand abruptly. "I have to get Ali back."

AN: So Emily knows the truth now. Guys if Ali's baby is a girl should her name be Estella, Emerald, Kylie or Isabel (Bel for short)? Tell me in the comments!

- G. Schreiber

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Vine: Gretaschreib

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