Kidnapping Saving and Panic

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Emily's POV

It was a weekend so we had a sleepover because all of us were too freaked to be alone.

After the others went to sleep Spencer and I started looking for clues as to who A is. Hanna's boyfriend, Caleb is a hacking and tracking genius and he taught her a lot of stuff.

"So..." I say halfway through our sleuthing. "What's up with you and Aria?"

Spencer's head snaps up from the computer. "Um, what?"

"You guys seem really... close lately." I say carefully.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She says a little too quickly.

"Oh come on, Spence." I say, rolling my eyes. "I know. I know you like her and she likes you. I know because the glances you two keep throwing each other are the exact same glances I threw Ali before we got together."

She looks down and blushes which is unlike her. "Okay, okay. I do like her. Maybe. A little. Or... a lot." She gives a cute grin.

"Then ask her out." I encourage.

"What if she says no?"

"Spence, that girl is just as crazy about you as you are about her. I can see it in her eyes." I assure her. "You know it too."

"Alright." Spencer smiles softly. "Now let's get back to finding this bitch. It's almost winter break and I'd really like to not have to worry about this on Christmas."

Suddenly both our phones go off.

Stop looking or else...

- A

I furrow my brow. "Should we be worried?"

The brunette shakes her head. "A wasn't specific enough. It's an empty threat."

I nod and we go back to looking until about five am. Then we finally go to sleep.


We all wake up around eleven to the sound of all of our phones chiming.

Aria groans. "Really? Is it... Is it A?"

I look at the contact and sure enough it's marked as unknown. I open it and read it out loud to the girls.

How's this for an empty threat?
Might wanna check on

Kisses bitches,

We whip around to where Ali should be sleeping but she's not there.

"Shit!" I yell. "Spencer you said A wouldn't do anything!"

Spencer puts her hands up. "I didn't know! Clearly we need to stop underestimating this bitch!"

I run my hands through my hair. "A said Ali was their favorite doll. That's why they chose her. That bitch!" I kick the couch.

"How are we gonna get her back?" Hanna asks quickly. "W-What do we do?"

My eyes widen.

"What?" Spencer asks.



"CeCe! She's a protective older sister! She put a tracker in Ali's phone!"

"That's a bit insane..."

"Maybe so but right now I'm glad. Her phone was on her. It'll be with her and we can find her. It's in their computer."

Spencer runs to their Mac and gets on it. I show her how to get on because CeCe showed me. Alison knows she tracks her and she's okay with it.

The tall brunette clicks on a few things then jumps up. "She's at some abandoned sawmill place. I've got it in my GPS let's go!"

We all jump in the car and buckle up, on our way to save Ali.

Alison's POV

My eyelids flutter open but I'm still in the dark. The air is stuffy. I try to sit up but my head bumps something almost immediately. I realize I'm in a very narrow wooden box. I bang on the lid as my heart pounds and I begin to panic. "Help!" I scream. "Help! Someone! HELP!"

Suddenly I hear a loud buzzing and it sounds like wood is being cut with a sawmill. Then the box I'm in starts to slowly move forward and the buzzing sound gets louder and closer.

My eyes widen as I realize what's happening. "HELP! SOMEONE!" I sob. "PLEASE!"

"Ali!" I hear a voice I recognize.


I hear some loud grunts and the sounds of hits and punches and kicks.

"We'll get you out, Ali!" Spencer's voice yells.

Suddenly I hear the bottom of the box begin to be sawed. "HELP ME! HELP!" I shriek. "HELP!"

Emily's POV

"HELP! SOMEONE!" We hear a muffled voice sob. "PLEASE!" It's coming from a box about to be sawed by the sawmill. I recognize the voice instantly.

"Ali!" I scream.

"EMILY! EMILY HELP ME PLEASE!" She screams back.

"Look!" Hanna says.

We look over to see a person in a black hoodie. A. They're standing in front of the button that turns it off.

I can't contain my rage. I run at them and punch them right in the face. 

They try to punch me but I duck it and punch them again. Then I kick them and hit them so much I'm losing my mind. They're on the floor but I just keep going.

"Emily let them go!" Spencer says.


"But we have to get Ali! We'll get you out, Ali!"

That's when I realize I was so distracted with beating up A I never stopped the sawmill. And the box is starting to be sawed.

"HELP ME! HELP!" Alison screams. "HELLLPPPP!"

I reach up and smack the stop button.

A takes the opportunity to run off.

Aria finds a crowbar and we pry the box open.

Alison immediately sits up. There are tears streaming down her face and she's all red. She's breathing heavy.

I grab her and hug her, holding her in my arms and squeezing her tight. "It's okay. I've got you. You're okay." I whisper, rocking her gently. I pick her up out of the box and she falls to the ground, kneeling and breathing heavily like she's having a panic attack.

"Can you walk?" Spencer asks carefully.

Ali shakes her head so I pick her up bridal style and carry her to the car. Spencer drives so Aria sits shotgun. Hanna is in the middle and I set Ali down in the back. It was a short drive so I don't bother putting a seat belt on. I just hold her in my lap as she cries into me.

"I love you." I say. "I won't let it happen again. I'll protect you. I promise." I pet her hair until her breathing evens out again.

I look up to Spencer. "A isn't playing around. We can't look anymore."

Spencer's eyes go wide. "But-"

"We aren't Spencer! I don't want anything like that happen again! Next time someone could actually get hurt!"

"Okay." Spencer sighs. "Okay."

AN: So there was Emily being badass to save Ali mixed with Emily being really sweet. That could continue into next chapter. Do you guys wanna see Em coddling Ali afterwards to make sure she's okay and staying over to protect her? And Ali could ask her to stay and there would be lots of cuddling and spooning and maybe Emily kissing Ali's belly? Tell me in the comments! Also this chapter is dedicated to Call_Me_Chancey cause she's the one who motivated me to update.

- G. Schreiber

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Vine: Gretaschreib

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