Lying Running and It's Time

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Emily's POV

I sigh as I look at myself in the mirror. I'm in a black hoodie and I look like a monster. I am a monster. I can't even believe I'm doing this.

"You look... Wonderful..." A says, coming up behind me. They stand next to me and we look in the mirror. "What a pair we make." The computerized voice speaks.

My face hardens. "Shut the fuck up. It isn't like that."

A shrugs. "You're the one in the hoodie, sweetcakes."

"That doesn't mean I'm a part of your team! I'm only doing this to protect my family and my friends!"

A hums and walks to the other side of me cockily. "Maybe now." They speak. "But just you wait. This game is addicting and once you get a taste you can't get enough."

I gulp, doubting myself for the first time. But my face remains stoic. "I will never enjoy this."

"Keep telling yourself that, hon."


We slink through the woods towards mine and Ali's apartment.

A turns to look at me. "Ali is my favorite doll. She's such a bitch. And I'm so obsessed with her." From the tone of voice I can just tell they're wearing a twisted smile.

I shudder. "W-what are you gonna do to her?"

"We." A corrects. "We're a team now. And we're just gonna scare her a bit. I want you to go in there and just chase her around a bit. Maybe break something and then meet me back here and send a text from the phone I gave you. I've pre-written it."

I sigh. I have to do this.

I creep in through the back door and go into our room where Ali is humming a song and brushing her long blonde hair. I stand behind her.

She looks up at herself in the mirror and sees me. Her sapphire eyes widen with fear. She stand quickly and whips around to face me.

"E-Emily will be home any minute!"

I feel my heart break at the sound of her voice. I hate doing this to her with all my heart.

She quickly knocks a chair down in front of me and tried to run as fast as she can which isn't fast at all considering she's nearly nine months pregnant.

I chase her and grab her arm.

She shrieks and rips away. Then she runs into the living room.

I go out the back door I came in from and send the text.

I hate this.

Alison's POV

"Where's Emily?" I ask with a furrow in my brow.

"She just texted me. She's on her way." Aria assures me, rubbing my arm comfortingly. 

All the girls came over once they heard what A did to make sure I was okay. The only one not here yet is Emily because she was at work.

"Did you see anything about them that we might be able to use to figure out who they are?"

I shrug. "Not really. They seemed really familiar though. The way they moved, their build, their mannerisms. It was like I knew them in a really personal way." I sigh. "Whoever this is its someone we-or at least I-am close to."

The door opens and Emily rushes in. "Are you okay, babe?!" She runs up to me and takes me in her arms.

I squeeze her tightly. "Yeah." I pull away. "Yeah, I think so. I just... It just shook me up. The fact that it's so easy for A to get in our home scares me. What if they did something to Peaches?"

"A wouldn't go that far." Emily says confidently.

"We can't be sure of that, Em. I don't want anything bad to happen to the people that we love!"

"Nothing will!" Emily cries. "I'm positive."

I furrow my brow. Something is weird about the way she's talking. "How can you be so sure?"

Emily shrugs. "I-I just am. Because I'll protect us. We're not going to get hurt! None of us!"

Spencer sits next to us. "Em, what's up with you? You're acting a little strange."

"N-No I'm not!"

"Are you okay, baby?" My brow furrows more. "Spence is right. Something seems up. What's going on?"

Emily sighs. "Maybe I should just tell you." She mumbles.

"Yeah you should." I say, my heart beating hard. "Whatever it is, you should definitely tell me."


"What? Em, you're starting to scare me..." I say. Suddenly I feel a small pain in my stomach. I shake it off. It's most likely nothing.

She sighs. "I'm just stressed out about starting college. That's all."

I give her a look. "Em, I can tell when you're lying." I feel the pain again, but again I ignore it.

She looks around at all of us nervously. "Okay. Fine... I, well, um. I'm-"

She's cut off by my gasp as I feel a warm liquid running down my leg. My eyes widen and I look up at her.

"What's wrong, babe?" She asks with concern filling her voice.

"I-I think my water just broke!"

AN: I apologize for this shit chapter.😔 Lately I've been having writers block. The next chapters will be better I promise! There's about to be a lot of drama and some fluff and some other fun things like that and you'll all be very entertained I promise. Til next time!

- G. Schreiber

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