Apologies, First Times and Hapiness

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Emily's POV

I drive to Ali's house as fast as I can without breaking the law. CeCe speeds on behind me.

When I get there I automatically jump out of the car and slam the door shut.

CeCe runs up to me. "Emily stop! You've already put her through so much!"

I rip away from her. "I have to talk to her!" I don't even knock on their door, just entering. "Alison!"

She stands and looks at me. "E-Emily." She looks so broken and exhausted. Then she looks at Courtney. "Take Peaches upstairs Court."

Her twin takes the little girl in her arms without missing a beat.

"It's Emiwy!" Peaches screams happily. "Mama see finawy woves you again!"

"Shh." Courtney says to her as they venture up the stairs.

CeCe sighs. "Ali you don't have to listen to her."

"Whatever." Ali sighs tiredly, sitting down on the couch. She tucks her legs up under herself. "All of you leave. I'll listen to her."

"Are you sure?" Jason asks protectively.

She nods.

Her three older siblings exit the room, but not before sending me bone chilling glares.

"Talk." Alison says blankly.

I gulp and sit across from her. "CeCe told me everything."

"Great." She says, picking up a green grape from a bowl of them on the coffee table. She pops it in her mouth and grabs a pillow, hugging it to her chest.

"Ali... I'm so sorry. I jumped to conclusions like I always do. I'm an idiot. I know I am. And I don't deserve you. But I'm begging you to please give me a second chance."

Suddenly there are tears in her eyes and get whole face collapses. "Do you have any idea how bad you broke me?" Her voice cracks. "You ruined me. I felt guilty for things that weren't my fault."

"I know." I say fervently. "I know and I'm sorry."

"It doesn't change what you did."

"Alison." I take her hands. "I love you. I love you more than I've ever loved anyone in this world. Sometimes I just have anger issues and I- I act out. I'm always scare that I'm being betrayed. I'm always afraid to trust people. Just like you. But the difference is that I handle it stupidly. You are ten times the person I will ever be Alison DiLaurentis. You're gorgeous, brilliant, kind and generous. And I'm so in love with you. I want to raise that baby with you. I know it's a lot to ask but could you please forgive me?"

Suddenly she launches forward and kisses me deeply.

I put my hands on the sides of her face and deepen the kiss.

Finally she pulls away and leans her forehead against mine, tears dripping from her eyes. "Yes." She whispers. "Yes, I forgive you."

I wipe her tears away with my thumbs.

"Wanna get out of here?" She chuckles. "Go somewhere where we can be alone?"

"My parents aren't home."

She sniffles. "Courtney is watching Peaches. Let's go."

When we get to my house it's dim outside and rain is pouring down. We go up to my room and try to flip on the switch but to no avail.

"The power is out." I say. "Must be the storm."

Thunder cracks and she jumps.

"Let's get some candles." I say.

We get about ten candles and set them up in the room.

Ali kisses me and I lay her gently on the bed, getting on top of her. We make out for a while.

The rain pitter-patters on the roof setting a peaceful atmosphere. We cuddle for a bit.

I gently lift Ali's chin and kiss her passionately. We make out for a bit longer until finally she pulls away. "Em... I'm ready."

My eyes widen. "Are you sure?"

Alison's POV

"Yes." I nod, biting my lip. "But... This is gonna be my first real time having sex. I'm... I'm nervous."

Emily holds my cheek gently in her hand. "I'll be careful. I love you." She breathes as she lifts my shirt.

"I love you too." I say, lifting her's.

We carefully undress each other and she kisses me softly. "You're gorgeous Ali. I love you."


Emily spoons me as we lay naked in her bed.

"You did great baby." She whispers to me. "I love you so much."

Suddenly I feel tears begin to leak from my eyes.

"Ali?!" She asks, worried. "Are you okay?! If you didn't wanna do this you didn't have to. I'm so sorry baby! I-"

I shake my head and turn to face her. "I'm crying because... I don't know. I'm so happy. Like... so happy."

She giggles in that cute Emily way of her's. "I'm glad."

"No one has ever loved me in the way you do. I'm just so overcome with love. I love you Emily Catherine Fields."

"And I love you too Alison Lauren DiLaurentis."

AN: *sings to the tune of the boys are back from HSM3* THE BAES ARE BACK! THE BAES ARE BACK! So everything's good again and also they did the horizontal tango.😌😏 Guys I'm pretty sure I'm gonna bring A into this story because I've got big plans. So yeah. If you guys really really don't want that I'll consider not doing it but I really wanna bc like I said I have a plan. MWAHAHAHA.

- G. Schreiber

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