Twins, Surprises and Great Expectations

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Emily's POV

The bell rings at the end of the day and after I get my things I go into the parking lot, searching for Alison.

I spot her and frown. She's wearing different clothes. Maybe she spilled something on herself at lunch or something and had to change.

"Ali!" I call, smirking as I imagine how mad she'll get at the nickname.

She doesn't turn.

I jog up to her. "Hey. I thought I was coming to your house."

"Dafuq?" The girl says as she yanks herself from my grip. "Who the hell are you and why would you be coming to my house?!"

I narrow my eyes. "What game is this, Alison?"

"Oh." She sighs in relief. "Fuck, you scared me. I'm not Alison. My name is Courtney."

I roll my eyes. "Nice try, Ali."

"No, really. Alison is my twin sister."

"How long are you gonna keep this up?"


I turn around to see another Alison. "Ali?" I whip my head back and forth between them.

Alison chuckles. "Did you think Courtney was me?"

They both burst out laughing.

I furrow my brow in anger. I hate being laughed at. "Shut up." I grumble.

"C'mon." Ali tells me. "Court's my ride. So she's yours too."

We get in the car and begin the ride to Ali's house.

When we pull up in the driveway my mouth falls open. "You're house is a fucking mansion!"

Alison shrugs.

"How is it this big?!"

"We come from money." She shrugs again.

We enter her house and Courtney goes into the kitchen.

Another blonde girl and two blonde boys walk into the front room. They all look like they're a couple years older than us.

"Hey Ali, she's sleeping in your room." The girl says.

"Thanks Ce." Ali replies.

"Who is?" I ask confused.

"Oh!" She turns to me. "This is my other sister, CeCe and my brothers, Jason and Charles. We call him Charlie. Guys this is Emily. She's just working on a project with me."

CeCe looks at me skeptically. It's like she's reading me.

"What?" I snap.

She raises her eyebrows then smirks. "I've got all the information I need."

Alison leads me upstairs and away from her siblings. "Sorry about Ce. She's crazy protective of us. Especially me and Court since we're younger."

I nod. "Where are your parents?"

"I'm not answering questions. Your gonna have enough already when you see what you're about to."

I smirk. "What, do you have a shrine of me or something? I'm not that special, babe."

She rolls her eyes and opens her door.

Her room's walls are painted pastel pink and there's a white vintage vanity on one side. On the other is a bed with sheets with cursive writing on them.

What really draws my attention is the crib in the corner. And the sleeping baby in it.

Alison goes over and picks her up. "Hi babygirl." She smiles.

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