Surviving, Operations and Sonograms

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Emily's POV

I pace the waiting room. The paramedics insisted on checking me too, and I'm fine, just like I told them I was.

Spencer, Aria Hanna, Caleb and all four of Alison's siblings with Peaches rush through the double doors and up to me.

"Finally!" I cry, rushing into Hanna's arms and sobbing.

"What happened?" CeCe asks hurriedly. "What the hell happened to my baby sister?!"

"We crashed." I hiccup. "Oh god I hope she's okay. I hope the baby is okay!"

"Where mommy?!" Peaches cries, tears streaming down her little face. She realizes something is wrong and is clearly disturbed.

I pick her up and wipe her tears away.

"Emmy!" She cries, burrowing her face into my neck. "I w-want m-mommy!" She sobs. "Get me mommy!"

I kiss her head. "I can't baby girl. I am so sorry.

We wait for a long time until finally a doctor comes out and says in that designated doctors voice that everyone hates hearing, "Alison DiLaurentis."

We all stand.

"Big crowd." He says.

"Is she alive?!" I ask, snapping a little.

"She is." He says.

We all sigh in relief.

"She's stable, but a few of her ribs are broken. And one went into her heart a bit so s he will need a heart monitor while she sleeps for two months, which we have inserted in her but can be taken out. She will also need an inhaler at all times for the rest of her life and plenty of rest. The rest will need to be for about three months."

I sigh in relief again, but then remember the other part. "And the baby? Is the baby okay?"

"Through some miracle." The doctor smiles. "Some how, some way the baby was completely unharmed."

We all break out into smiles.

"But," He holds up a hand. "The baby could still get hurt if she moves too much, exerts too much energy, doesn't wear her heart monitor at night or doesn't have her inhaler when she needs it. So make sure she follows all the rules. No walking up stairs. No running, nothing like that. Got it?"

We nod. "What about school?"

"She can go to school, but she must take the elevator, no stairs. And I'll write a note for her to get out of gym."

"Can we see her?" I ask quickly.

He nods. "One at a time, please. I don't want her to get overwhelmed. That's another thing. No stress. So no one yell around her or do something that might make her stress or worry."

We nod again.

I turn to the others. "Can I please go first?"

They nod, knowing that I need to see her as soon as possible.

I walk into the room and tentatively go up to her bedside. "Hey, Ali." I speak as soft as I can, not wanting to stress her.

"Hey." She smiles.

A tear trickles down my cheek. "I thought I lost you, Ali."

"You'll never ever lose me." She says with a brave smile.

"I'm so sorry about the whole Paige thing. I-"

She waves her hand dismissively. "It's fine. I love you. I don't care about her."

"What changed your mind?"

"I almost died." That's all she says. She pulls down the top of her shirt a little and chuckles. "Look at this."

At the very the top of her left breast (my right, her left.) I see the small insert.

"You know I'm gonna be on your ass about wearing that and bringing your inhaler with you and not moving too much, right?"

"I know." She laughs.

Alison's POV

"Em." I whine. "I can walk upstairs by myself."

"Nuh uh." She says picking me up easily. "The doctor said no stairs for three months. You're only one month in which I believe means you still have two months left, missy."

I groan.

"Look on the bright side." She says as she carries me. "Only one more month of the monitor and only four and a half more months until the baby gets here."

I smile. "I am excited for that."

"Me too." She says and kisses me as we reach the bedroom.

"Me thwee!" Peaches grins as she runs up to us. "Mommy wiwl I get a wittwe bwuder owr a wittwe sistew?"

"We'll find out tomorrow." I grin as Emily sets me on the bed. It'll be her first time at an appointment with me. "You wanna come sweet pea?"

"Ye!" Peaches cheers, jumping into my arms.

"Woah, there." Emily chuckles. "Be careful with your mama."

"I know." Peaches says, smiling shyly. "Sowy Emmy."

"It's okay." Emily smiles. "Just try to remember."

"I wiwl."

"I'm gonna take a nap." I say, scooting up to the top of the bed and laying down, yawning. "I'm really tired."

Peaches squeals. "Me too!" She crawls up to the top.

And Emily laughs. "Me three." And crawls up as well, laying so Peaches is in between us and we all fall asleep.


"So how are you doing, Alison?" The doctor asks as I lay down on the doctor's bed. She smiles warmly at me like she always does. "You've been resting right? After the accident it's very, very important for the baby's health."

"Emily has barely let me move." I say and we chuckle. I lift my shirt up.

She squirts the goop on my belly and starts to move the wand around on my stomach. The picture comes up on the screen.

"Wow..." Emily breathes. "That's... that's our baby. That's them."

I grin, more excited about Emily's reaction. "Yep."

We hear the heartbeat.

Emily's eyes go even wider if possible. "That's amazing!" Tears come to her eyes and she smiles, squeezing my hand. "I love you so much."

"Would you like to know the sex of the baby?" Dr. Reynolds asks me.

We nod and Peaches yells out, "Yes!"

"It's a... girl!" She smiles excitedly.

Peaches instantly starts running around yelling, "SISSY, SISSY, SISSY!"

I laugh and tears come to my eyes. I look over at Emily. "A little girl. Our little girl."

"A daughter." She smiles, sniffling. "I love you so, so much Alison. I love our little family."

I squeeze her hand. "I love you too, baby. And the baby loves you. I can feel it." I chuckle. "She definitely loves you."

"And me!" Peaches pipes up, sticking her head up to see the screen. "Sissy wuv me and I wuv sissy!"

AN: So it's a girl! I'm leaning towards the name Estella. So yeah. I'm still watching Grease. I forgot how good it is. Also the dancing is really weird... Also Peaches is supposed to look like Mae Mobley in The Help which is like the best movie and book ever and you all need to go watch and read it and Mae Mobley is the cutest but anyways yeah that's who Peaches looks and acts like. Since I'm talking about it I guess I should just end with my fave quote. "You is kind. You is smart. You is important."

- G. Schreiber

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Vine: Gretaschreib

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